Katrina reaches catagory 5

It is pretty scary how I was in New Orleans and only left ONE day before Katrina striked! Man am I lucky, I hope others get out safelly.

Anyone here in MT stuck in the floods of New Orleans?
Has there been any word from our international friends on sending any aid?
MisterMike said:
Has there been any word from our international friends on sending any aid?
Plenty ....
Chavez is sending aid and oil.
Canada is has posted aid
Diamler Chryslef - A German company is in.

There will be more coming.

What's it been now ... 48 hours since we got our first glimpse of the extent of the situation ... 60 hours ... maybe 72 hours...

MisterMike ... you aren't getting overly cynical, are you? I mean, how long was it before the President of the United States spoke about the Tsunami last December? Laura Ingraham was railing about how this is being 'politicized', you aren't in her camp, are you?

And don't worry, I'm sure the most generous people on the planet will be sure to kick in their contribution as well. That being the People of Denmark, don't you know. The United States is number 12 on the list of the 21 richest countries when it comes to charitable giving.

So, relax, and put an extra buck in the collection basket this weekend. eh?
michaeledward said:
Plenty ....
Chavez is sending aid and oil.
Canada is has posted aid
Diamler Chryslef - A German company is in.

There will be more coming.

What's it been now ... 48 hours since we got our first glimpse of the extent of the situation ... 60 hours ... maybe 72 hours...

MisterMike ... you aren't getting overly cynical, are you? I mean, how long was it before the President of the United States spoke about the Tsunami last December? Laura Ingraham was railing about how this is being 'politicized', you aren't in her camp, are you?

And don't worry, I'm sure the most generous people on the planet will be sure to kick in their contribution as well. That being the People of Denmark, don't you know. The United States is number 12 on the list of the 21 richest countries when it comes to charitable giving.

So, relax, and put an extra buck in the collection basket this weekend. eh?
Plenty? Bah. They don't even have water down there - well, not drinkable water. (tee-hee)

Cynical and political? I didn't chime in with events from 9 months ago or talk radio quotes. That was some other Michael.

But yes, I'd love to go camping with Laura anytime.

I think it was an honest question. Quick, to the point, not a lot of emotion - I mean, I AM a man.

In case you're wondering how I really feel - well - those people shoulda high tailed it outta there days before it hit so I think a lot of them are stupid and as for repairing it, if it were up to me, they should leave it to the fishes. Find some other place to toss beads on underage drunk teens.

PARIS, Sept. 1 (Xinhuanet) -- French Foreign Ministry announced Thursday that France is to send aid and troops to US Gulf coast area hit by Hurricane Katrina, one of the most devastating storms in the country's history.

"Our operational humanitarian aid group is going to meet to study the civilian and military means that France could make available from French regions and the French West Indies," said French Foreign Ministry's spokesman, Denis Simmoneau.

"From our crisis unit, which is going to Baton Rouge from Lafayette, we are following the situation of the French people we know about," said the spokesman. French President Jacques Chirac sent a letter on Wednesday to his American counterpart George W. Bush, to express his "heart felt emotion" at the ravages of Hurricane Katrina, which is believed tohave killed at least hundreds of people and destroyed billions of dollars worth of property in the southwest United States.

While US emergency teams are working around the clock in the mostly submerged city of New Orleans, the German government, although highly critical of US environmental policies, is offering its help.

The German government is "ready to offer its help and support toward controlling this appalling natural catastrophe and remedying its consequences," said Fischer.

"We must show solidarity for those affected," he added

The German Foreign Ministry has set up a 24-hour hotline in an attempt to coordinate aid efforts (+49-30-5000-2000). The German embassy in Washington, D.C. is also constantly updating the information on its Web site.

Germany's Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer said Thursday there were no German casualties in the areas affected by hurricane Katrina. The German embassy in Washington and German consulates in Houston and Atlanta are closely cooperating with US authorities on helping German citizens and looking for the missing persons.
Three - I especially like this one ... although, there is no monetary commitment here

Iran expresses grief at deaths of American people by Hurricane Katrina disaster

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Asefi on Tuesday expressed grief at deaths of people in the United States caused by Hurricane Katrina.
He said that Iranian nation and government sympathize with American people especially the bereaved families of the natural disaster.

He hoped that situation in the flood hit states of America would return to normal soon.

European countries were on Thursday preparing to release emergency stockpiles of petrol as the US confirmed that some refineries hit by Hurricane Katrina would remain shut for several months.
Earlier US officials had estimated the closures at only one to two weeks.

Officials from member governments of the International Energy Agency, the energy watchdog of industrialised countries, said they were now waiting only for the US to agree to such a measure.

The International Energy Agency, the organisation that coordinates the release, would say only that it was still assessing whether the size of the shortfall caused by Katrina warranted calling an emergency release.

Germany has assured the IEA that it would release stocks if asked to participate if needed. Germany holds the largest number of barrels of petrol in public storage. These extra barrels could hit the markets within one or two days. France, Spain and Italy also have large emergency gasoline reserves. However, should the gasoline be released, European countries are likely to seek an economic or political quid pro quo from Washington.
And then there is this ... it is certianly political

(At) Oxford, England, for two years as a Rhodes Scholar, (David) Vitter said he excitedly kept up with what President Reagan was accomplishing back home with an agenda for shrinking government through tax cuts and nondefense budget reductions. At the same time, Vitter said he saw firsthand the economic problems England was enduring because of its "socialist policies" and emphasis on big government.


Also, U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., said he has spoken with President Bush, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., about putting together a "major" financial relief package for Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama when Congress returns from its August recess next week.

Before and after photos are now available for viewing here.
Like the Tsunami the devestation is awesomely scary. The coastline will definitely be affected...
I am still just stunned when I view the footage and pictures.

Interesting, isn't it, that no matter how much we think we tame nature she always comes back to kick our butts so royally?
MisterMike said:
Has there been any word from our international friends on sending any aid?
Australia on Friday said it would donate A$10 million (US$7.7 million) immediately to the American Red Cross

Japan donated $200,000 to the Red Cross and would also provide up to $300,000 in aid supplies such as tents and power generators

The International Energy Agency "has agreed to make 60 million barrels of product available

Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga said she and her fellow citizens felt solidarity with those affected. "Having experienced the fury of nature ourselves during the December 26 tsunami, the people of Sri Lanka and I fully empathize with you at this hour of national grief," she said in a message to the U.S. And while the small island nation is still recovering from the tsunami disaster, it also pledged $25,000 to the American Red Cross
Can I ask an obviously stupid question?

All these celebrities, heads of industry etc...

where are they? Where are these people with the money????

I mean, gosh, you only got paid 8.5 million from your last movie? Couldnt possibly give say... 6 of that? Cuz I know its such a hardship to live on 2 mill till your next picture.

Ya got a billion in the bank, but its too much to give 100 mil in aid?

The wealthy make me sick.
Technopunk said:
All these celebrities, heads of industry etc...

where are they? Where are these people with the money????
I'm fairly liberal and I gotta say I agree with this. It's interesting how they'll bash people for NOT helping but ... where are they right now? Curing poverty in Africa, no doubt - which is still a worthy, emergent cause ... but we have problems ON OUR OWN SHORES.

Where are they?
Bob Hubbard said:
I've seen several celebs gathering to put on benefits.

Morgan Freeman plans Katrina relief auction
In Response to Hurricane Katrina Disaster, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Donates $100,000 to Red Cross
Clapton, Connick on King 'help' show

I saw several country music stars were in Ontario doing one such benefit.
Some more info: Katrina felt across entertainment world
Networks unite for Katrina telethon

So, some are doing stuff. Some are directly effected.
Benefits my ***. Raising money for my ***.

Many of these people are inordanatly wealthy and could donate MILLIONS of dollars. Where are they?

I could live well for life on what some of these people make for one job... Hell, I play the lottery... It was 111 million this week... you can bet your bippy that if I won 111 million that like 100 Mill would go to the relief effort... what the hell would *I* ever need that much money for?
The Dave Matthews Band will perform a September 12 concert at Red Rocks Amphitheatre near Denver, part of a multi-date stand at that arena, with all profits to go to charities supporting victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Sean "Diddy" Combs and Jay-Z have pledged $1 million to the American Red Cross.

Movie star Nicolas Cage and Canadian singer Celine Dion each donated $1 million to the American Red Cross for relief efforts, and teen pop sensation Hilary Duff donated $250,000 to hurricane-related charities.

The Recording Academy, which administers the Grammy Awards, has established the MusiCares Hurricane Relief Fund, and pledged an initial donation of $1 million "for music people affected by Hurricane Katrina." The money will be used to provide assistance with basic living expenses (shelter, food, utilities, transportation), medical expenses, clothing; instrument and recording equipment replacement and more.

I'm sure there will be more as we go. I'm also sure there will be quite a few who send their "best wishes". I'll most likely be boycotting those folks myself.
upnorthkyosa said:
I feel humbled by this whole thing. Minnesota is a long way from New Orleans, but we share a river. I'm looking at my options to see what I can do to help with the aftermath. From farther away, removed from the danger, its easier to think about things like oceanography, hydrology, and global warming. Yet, one fact remains.

Life is going to change irrevocably for millions of people.

This discussion isn't a callous argument about political positions for me. This is about science and the interface of science with our lives. This is the human side of what we talk about and about what I teach. For me, my compassion for the people and the science behind their plight are intertwined.

An explanation for these kinds of events exists. God isn't calling down the heavens to punish the people of New Orleans. Physical factors caused this storm. Physical factors that we effect.

Well said.
Technopunk said:
Many of these people are inordanatly wealthy and could donate MILLIONS of dollars. Where are they?
What makes you think they haven't donated money already?

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