Karate Kid Thug Tournament

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Its the worst in 16 years here for teenagers to do anything let alone commit to formal Martial Arts Training. Worse yet we have adult wanabees training some of these kids in garages to hurt each others and themselves even doctors doing see your blood on the floor is honor?

So we are buying large first class trophies advertising on the big screen asking for ages 12 -18 train formaly 2 months with docu drama video and a public tournament 3 weight divisions.They can have braggin rights have their 15 minutes of fame posting on Youtube and we will post fighting on live web streaming but using protection gear, rules and good refereeing to protect them.

Our hope is to save a few that will commit to formal training to focus on academic excelence with full college scholarships provided at end of graduation from high school.

A twist to what you might do these students will not be allowed to spar each other until tournament but will only spar experienced instructors and equipment till day of tournament? This should provide some interesting outcomes?

We put our Ring Master system on High Definition Pojection system movie screen much more interestin to watch with stereo sound effects for scoring.
Your statement here is a little lost on me. Are you saying that you see a lot of unwarranted physical aggression in tournament circuits in this day?