Senior Master
Ancestor worship was the major spiritual belief system on Okinawa, along with a simple kind of Shintoism where all natural things were respected. Buddhism was not popular, but a form of Chinese Confucianism was part of their culture. Female "priestesses" (Noro) from the aristocratic class organized various rituals and festivals for the community. Another female group (non-aristocratic) the Yuta, were fortunetellers and spiritual healers and involved in superstitious folklore. Numerology and dream interpretation was popular as well in the culture. Isshinryu founder T. Shimabuku was such a fortune teller known as Shimuchi. Spirituality and philosophical introspection was not a big part of their laid-back lifestyle. Seems like a simple world for them - farming, trading, family, low stress, just being a part of nature. I like it.How does Shinto-Buddhism operate compared to Honshu etc? Do they share the Amaterasu legends as well? I would assume not, being that Amaterasu was closely linked to the proto-Heian imperial family to consolidate control over other provinces, and at that time Ryukyu was likely a kingdom with a different Shinto pantheon?
Apparently animistic Shintoism, but different kami, and more focused on ancestor worship. Very interesting.
Ryukyuan religion - Wikipedia
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