Karate drop outs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Deathtrap101
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I'm not sure I have enough experience to comment, but what the heck I will anyway. It seems that the folks who drop out due to the amount left to learn to get to black are focused on the wrong things. The belts are really nothing more than bragging rights (don't get me wrong, I want that black belt), but I think that if you are in love with the art itself it becomes something you don't quit. The belts are just something that come with the territory. I want to learn as much about the art as possible even if my belt is just J.C. Penny...$3.19 (sorry bad Karate Kid reference).

As an aside, I am a doctor and see similar statistics in my field with regard to dropouts in school. Those who take tests just get a grade versus those who study to learn the material. It gets frustrating to those who are "test takers" because there is never an end to taking the tests.
A good question is how long people keep teaching before they get tired of teaching and quit teaching?

I often ask myslf this same question. It can be tiresome teaching white belts for year after year. It is verry disapointing to teach someone for years , watching them mature, then have them just disapear, for whatever reason.
The body also get older and recovers a little slower from what once we might not even notice but now it is a nagging sore/bruise/injury.
I think good studens who practice , learn, and love the art are what keep a instructor teaching. Students who only learn so they can show off or impress others discourage instuctors.
There comes a time (I think) when instructors only want to instruct advanced students or even advanced instructors. In these cases new ground can be explored and the finer points can be worked on more and in depth.

just my thought folks
My brother dropped out when he was younger because he didn't understand the principles behind what he was doing. It was only when he got into his mid 20's that he realised and started training again now loving every minute. I sometimes you just need to mature enough to understand the meaning of it and it seems that case with many juniors. :)

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