Karate Connection - IKCA

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Originally posted by arnisador

George Dillman, at a recent seminar, told a possibly apocrophal story of an Indonesian (I think) system with only 11 or 12 techniques. The instructor taught one technique per year and the students would practice constantly of course. The students knew those techniques very well.

How many techniques are there in boxing? How effective has it been?

VERY good points. Thank you sir for the input.:asian:
Glad to see there are some positive remarks as well as the negative. No sstyle or system can be all good or all bad. I think it all depends on what you put into it.
Regarding material and amount of it...well...SOME Kenpo is better than none at all!
I think that the IKCA likes to drill on basics and stay away from the confusing mass that Kenpo can be. To that I say, you can't go wrong with Basics.
I don't see anything wrong with the basics. And that is what their program seems to consist of. From what I have seen their material is very close to AK, just the weapons and names are different. Instead of having 3 techniques to teach you a principle they do it with one. I have seen the master form with it being 55 self defense techniques long it looks like it can be a bit of a challenge.
I belong to a school that teaches the IKCA system and have had no problems with the material at all. I have compared AK techniques like thundering hammers to the IKCA technique clashing hammers. I feel clashing hammers finishes off the opponent better, the techniques are basically the same, except that you take out the knee and when the opponent is on the ground add a kick to the head. What Chuck Sullivan and Vic LeRoux have tried to do is condense the material so you have the same weapons without the hundred and some techniques. Ed Parker wanted the system to evolve not stay stagnant and freeze when he died. Chuck and Vic did their best to do that. Now granted there could be more added to the system, I will not argue that fact, but you get out of your training what you put into it. I don't learn off of video so I cannot comment on that aspect of the IKCA, but I do know there is other things you can do to make a system more complete and it is called cross training. In our school we not only learn the IKCA Kenpo system but also groundfighting and Weapons like the bo, sai, tonfa, nunchaku, along with some escrima. We also do all our techniques on both sides; so I can do every technique I know for both a right side attack and left side attack.
Overall I think it is a good system, it could use some improvement but hey, list one system that couldn't. It definitely is not inferior, just more condensed and less repetitive. Like I stated before it all comes down to how hard you train, and how good of a school you belong to.
Can't imagine that there would be any legal difficulties in discussing thoughts and concepts regarding something like the IKCA. Forums are for that, as long as you don't sort of border on libel, etc.

I will say that I do personally know Vic LeRoux, and have a telephone acquaintance with Chuck Sullivan. I honestly believe that they are stand up people. I won't go into detai here, but I haven't ever gone through the program, officially, yet Vic LeRoux has gone out of his way on more than one occasion to give more than I asked for.

Innuendo is ok for some folks, but it's kind of like talking smack. What does it say? Not much.

Just some thoughts on it all.

I feel the positive statements about the IKCA are well said. Our association has an IKCA Black Belt that is a Hall Of Famer. To me, that says a lot about the system and it's founders, as well as the practitioner. Sensei Jimeno has various avi and mpegs of the star block set etc, and has an online study program. I have personally, only heard good things about the founders and the IKCA Distance Learning Program! Sincerely, in Humility; Chiduce!
I am personally very interested in learning more about video programs such as the one offered by IKCA, and would like to know of any other video training programs out there. I'd like to hear about what other people have experienced through the actual use of any of these programs. Most of you people might never have to make use of such a program, as you have other 'real life' options available to you. Unfortunately, I am now confined to my home due to a respiratory disability and have few, if any, options left to me. Is it not a better option to continue one's study at home by video, than to have no other option than to simply quit? Well folks, that is the position that I am in right now, and would really appreciate some info and/or support.
Unfortunately, I am now confined to my home due to a respiratory disability

What happened to you? Your profile said something about a chemical spill? Hope you get better some day.

I almost tried out the IKCA, there just aren't any kenpo schools close to where I live. Back in 93 my wife bought me some kenpo videos, Rick Fowler, and I studied those for a long time. I finally was able to find a good kenpo instructor about 30 miles from me, so now I'm actually in a school too.

I have found nothing but quality in the IKCA material and am very proud to be apart of its organisation. There may only be 55 techniques but with in those techniques you can blend and borrow and turn those techniques into 300 techniques if thats what you wanted.
As for the cheap shot at the integrity of Master LeRoux and GM Sullivan, you need to get your facts straight, they couldnt be more honourable or helpful to their students, especially to those unfortunate enough to live as far away from them as i do.
And another thing i liked is they dont get involved in all thepolitics and crap that so many get involved in, they are comfortable with where their station is on the kenpo family tree, and no one can argue with their crudentials.
So in closing it is always wise to get to know the person or persons of whom you speak about before you go and make judgement of their character!
I would greatly appreciate it if people out there with knowledge or experience of any other Video based Kenpo schools could provide any information about them. I need to switch to some sort of 'home study' as I simply cant bear the thought of having to quit completely! Can anyone help me with this????
Originally posted by nathan_sau

I have found nothing but quality in the IKCA material and am very proud to be apart of its organisation. There may only be 55 techniques but with in those techniques you can blend and borrow and turn those techniques into 300 techniques if thats what you wanted.
As for the cheap shot at the integrity of Master LeRoux and GM Sullivan, you need to get your facts straight, they couldnt be more honourable or helpful to their students, especially to those unfortunate enough to live as far away from them as i do.

Who took a cheap shot at them? I must have missed something.

They seem to be ggod people. Good strong technique, and they have good fighters down here in South Texas.:asian:
As for the cheap shot at the integrity of Master LeRoux and GM Sullivan, you need to get your facts straight, they couldnt be more honourable or helpful to their students, especially to those unfortunate enough to live as far away from them as i do.

*yawn* I dealt with Vic, never Chuck, so I would never say a negative thing about Chuck Sullivan. For all I know, he's a very honorable man.

My dealings with Vic and my instructor were not so, however. These were my personal dealings with these two men...so for you to attempt to claim that I didn't know either of them would be incorrect. As far as my "facts"...I'm still in contact with the other assistant instructor who is a close friend of mine to this day, who left on the same day due to the same reasons as I.

If I was out for a cheap shot, I would have voiced publically what occured then...which I passed on if you read correctly. This thread started when someone asked opinions, which I gave. You're entitled to yours as I am mine.
Originally posted by Jay Bell

*yawn* I dealt with Vic, never Chuck, so I would never say a negative thing about Chuck Sullivan. For all I know, he's a very honorable man.

My dealings with Vic and my instructor were not so, however. These were my personal dealings with these two men...so for you to attempt to claim that I didn't know either of them would be incorrect. As far as my "facts"...I'm still in contact with the other assistant instructor who is a close friend of mine to this day, who left on the same day due to the same reasons as I.

If I was out for a cheap shot, I would have voiced publically what occured then...which I passed on if you read correctly. This thread started when someone asked opinions, which I gave. You're entitled to yours as I am mine.

Mr Bell i had no idea your opinions ran so deep and personal. I am sorry if i offended you.
But the point i was trying to make was i thought we were going to discuss their system not discuss our personal indifferences with the instructors.

Sorry again

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