Kan. Concealed-Weapons Bill to Become Law

I heard this on the news this morning too.
(((Being a Kansan))) I find this development very interesting. Anyone know how this functions? Does it mean anyone can carry a concealed weapon, or does a person need a lic.? Does it only apply to handguns?

Your Brother
Brother John said:
I heard this on the news this morning too.
(((Being a Kansan))) I find this development very interesting. Anyone know how this functions? Does it mean anyone can carry a concealed weapon, or does a person need a lic.? Does it only apply to handguns?

Your Brother

I imagine it will be like other states, requiring a license, saftey course, and such. I'm sure it applies to handguns. Sheck your states DPS website, they should have soemthing pretty quick on there....or your local gun store.

I'm really excited to see this, its a very good thing.

7starmantis said:
I'm really excited to see this, its a very good thing.


Me too, hopefully, reciprocity with Florida soon. :D Not that I have ever visited Kansas, but it would be another place I wouldn't have to worry if I can conceal carry in.
So, if I understand you correctly....
a concealed carry license in one state is valid in all states that alow conealed carry??
Is that accurate?


Your Brother
PS: I know that it'd cover handguns, but would it cover anything else? Like a knife or colapsable baton?
Brother John said:
So, if I understand you correctly....
a concealed carry license in one state is valid in all states that alow conealed carry??
Is that accurate?


Your Brother
PS: I know that it'd cover handguns, but would it cover anything else? Like a knife or colapsable baton?

No, a conceal carry isn't a carte blanche permit.

It seems that states that have similar requirements for conceal carry will often enter into an agreement with each other. This is called reciprocity. They each agree to honor each other's conceal carry permits. Not all states do this, often because one state may have much more stringent requirements than the other.

Even those that do honor each other's permits, there are sometimes limitations. For instance in your home state with a conceal carry permit you may be able to carry concealed knives. However, it may be handgun ONLY in some of the other states. Also, there are other circumstances too.

For instance, if a state allows non-residents to gain a conceal carry in that state, the other states that have reciprocity with said state, may not honor the non-resident permits but honors the resident permits. So you have to stay on top of your states reciprocity limitations. For instance the state of Florida has a website that is the official reciprocity list and limitation for Florida conceal carry permit holders.

You would have to check with your state to be sure you are legal.
Just a quick "Devil's Advocate" here...
what is the "Other side" of this? What would someone who would be against concealed carry say would be the reasons they are against it.
I'm not very familiar with the debate honestly.

Your Brother
Hmm, thats a good question. Maybe a good thread to start on the debate itself. Although most members here are probably for it.

Brother John said:
Just a quick "Devil's Advocate" here...
what is the "Other side" of this? What would someone who would be against concealed carry say would be the reasons they are against it.
I'm not very familiar with the debate honestly.

Your Brother

I think that discussion would really be like hitting a hornets' nest with a baseball bat. Gun control is a HOT topic issue. People on both sides are very pasionate about their opinion and tend to get very deffensive. But it would prove interesting.
Well, lessee... I believe that leaves Illinois as one of only 2 states left that wont have some form of concealed carry.

Or maybe its 1 of 3.

I need to move.
Technopunk said:
Well, lessee... I believe that leaves Illinois as one of only 2 states left that wont have some form of concealed carry.

Or maybe its 1 of 3.

I need to move.

No you need to lobby your government to get it changes, just like I plan to research the states that allow concealed knives and see if that can be introduced into my state as well. For any knife I would feel comfortable using even as a tool aspect would have to have a large enough handle for me to hold it properly.

Write e-mails to your legislators, and letters to local newspapers.
The laws are irrelevant, in my opinion, no matter where your at. Looking at it from a self defense angle, the attackers (criminals) are going to have theses weapons, concealed or not, legal or not, and use them!
That being so, if you really want to keep yourself out of jail you may think about obeying the laws. If your illegally carrying a knife, get in a situation and use it, gues what....
Brother John said:
Just a quick "Devil's Advocate" here...
what is the "Other side" of this? What would someone who would be against concealed carry say would be the reasons they are against it.
I'm not very familiar with the debate honestly.

Your Brother
I thought there was some information somewhere that a majority of those who are for strict gun control and against conceal carry were never exposed to guns at a younger age and have a unfounded fear of them. I know this is an over generalization, but I thought there was some info somewhere about that. I will have to dig around.

At any rate, IMHO, I believe their arguements and beliefs are deeply rooted in unfounded fear of the firearm, for whatever reason. They also seem to have an unfounded trust in an altruistic government too. :)
Hand Sword said:
The laws are irrelevant, in my opinion, no matter where your at. Looking at it from a self defense angle, the attackers (criminals) are going to have theses weapons, concealed or not, legal or not, and use them!

Yes good point! Criminals by virtue do not obey the law. Therefore, the laws are useless against them.
Bigshadow said:
At any rate, IMHO, I believe their arguements and beliefs are deeply rooted in unfounded fear of the firearm, for whatever reason. They also seem to have an unfounded trust in an altruistic government too. :)

Thats a gross overgeneralization to say the least. There are many reasons people oppose firearms just as there are many reasons people support them.

7starmantis said:
Thats a gross overgeneralization to say the least. There are many reasons people oppose firearms just as there are many reasons people support them.


I don't know, maybe. I said deeply rooted. I think their beliefs can be boiled down to two things... Fear and/or misplaced trust. Just like crime can be boiled down to three things (money, sex, or drugs) although there are many reasons for crime.

Just MY opinions.

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