Kamon, I've taken JJJ (japanese) and reached high rank in that art before I got the chance to learn WC. I was an avid supporter of ju-jitsu, and tested my now hubbie on several occasions. WC DOES have ground "game", darlin'. That's what I've been trying to tell ya.
One time we went to a BJJ seminar with a couple of our students, and no, we do NOT enter someone's class or school like loudmouth braggarts. We were respectful and actually had fun. But the problem was as we went through the BJJ techniques they were showing, was that we had a student with one arm. He could not execute the BJJ techniques that were being shown at the seminar. Instead of him getting frustrated, Hubbie coached him how to get out of grappling holds using anti-grappling and WT/WC techniques.
We were NOT rude, we waited and let the BJJ instructors teach him, and coach him through the BJJ techniques until our student asked us for help. The BJJ instructor found the techniques interesting and said so. It was VERY civil and fun too.
Show me BJJ done by a skinny teenage boy with one arm, and I'll think about learning further BJJ.
Now for the Gracies, man, I'll TRY to be diplomatic. I was training JJJ (Japanese) at the time, and we never liked the technique. What you describe anti-grappling as a mesh of "different" grappling techniques, is similar to how I and my teachers at the time saw BJJ. It's like they went to a JJJ seminar, and then just started making stuff up.
I've NEVER seen a video of the Gracies challenging and fighting an Aiki Ju-Jitsu instructor, or Krav Maga, Penjack Silat, or Kempo stylist. They seem to challenge and video tape folks and styles they're sure they can win. And the kung fu stylists I've seen them fight, gave a good fight. As for Gracie's beating any WC/WT practitioner, haven't seen that video.
(and understand, if there IS a video of them fighting one of these stylists, please send a link, I really don't have alot of time to surf videos being a mommy)
As for my Hubbie using WC and anti-grappling technique on BJJ practicioners, he's defended and sparred against a 10 year instructor of BJJ and JKD (he'd been practicing longer, but teaching 10 years) only by rooting his stance while he shot into him to grapple a takedown. (I haven't seen my hubbie use too much anti-grappling because he hasn't had to use it yet in sparring or in challenges.
(They haven't gotten him to the ground very often yet, and when they do. He's quick to gain his feet again.)
Now, this particular BJJ and JKD instructor was a GREAT guy, and he came to our school to spar on our sparring day. It was with friendliness and open arms we welcomed other folks from other arts to come and spar at our school with us and students anytime. He had a great time, and no one got hurt. But the point was made and demonstrated. This guy is REALLY GOOD at BJJ, and had enough JKD skill to contend in stand up sparring too. (that's another thread)
I wanted to video tape it soooo badly. But, I didn't want to in a way, because we became friends and we didn't want to "make him look bad" or whatever. He is an excellent martial artist and fighter!
As for the woman boxer we trained for a spell... Her boyfriend and owner/trainer of the boxing gym had been doing boxing for 20 years!
He was very skilled! And the rules of boxing DO allow you to punch your opponent as many times as you can, so the chainpunching did NOT violate boxing "rules of engagement". She didn't use kicking, elbows, knees, etc. Just punching, dai sau, tan and pac sau. ("blocking is legal in boxing isn't it? even if most boxer's NEVER block and the gloves are oversized?)
And, just because it annoys me that you ellude that any of these "men" could take off their gloves and beat her up, I have to say...,,, PHAAAAA!
In that situation, WC rulez! If they wish to get downright nasty about being bested by a girl/woman, or matched at their own game, and decide to be butt heads about it; we trained her enough to take care of that too.
Then, the "rules" are null and void, duder. She's free to kick the knee and groin, eye gouge with her dai sau (I LOVE doing that) elbow the temple, and chop the throat repeatedly. That's a different conversation altogether.
So, why do you assume just because a woman held her own against bigger man at boxing and made him sweat too, that he's just "not very good at his style"? Or that if a WC/WT person bests a BJJ guy that that grappler didn't train for very long or wasn't very good at BJJ?
That agravates me.
You assume too much to fit things into your way of thinking because you don't want to see what we're trying to tell you.
I know! I used to do the VERY same thing when I started training WC. I was a downright pain in the butt to teach, always questioning. And even then, it wasn't until a year into training that I FINALLY started to let go of my JJJ way of thinking, and seeing defense and attack. I was totally hard headed, and payed for it by getting jammed up and pulling muscles trying to get my JJJ techniques to work on a very relaxed, and flowing practicioner (hubbie).
This weekend he put me against the wall at the apartment and "clinched" me, in practice. My first thought was, "oh, crap, this could be a problem!" (I'd never tried WC from that position before and we were kinda simulating being put up against the cage, but the wall was harder. it didn't give at all!)
Sure, if any ju-jitsu practicioner is allowed to "lock out" as we used to put it, then the counter will be more advanced and take more time to learn. But you focus on avoiding and re-directing the grappler until you get to the level to be able to start using energy, and get into the higher concepts of "anti-grappling".
He showed me how to get out of a clinch (and mind you. I'm a full foot shorter than him, so when he clinches me he chokes me with his shoulder, and when he underhooks my arms, this brings my arms way over my own head. very uncomfortable.)
Tensing up here, you actually help the BJJ or JJJ stylist to hurt you. (I used to love joint locking tense weight training muscular men in JJJ, it made the techniques easier sometimes.)
But, realize, you have an entire, complete arsenal of WC at your disposal to use BEFORE they compromise your position to defend and clinch or "lock out" on you. Besides, if they are to attack from that position they're going to have to shift their weight (to leg sweep, knee, strike you) and then your going to have something to work with. I may not be able to do much to him at that second, per say, but he's not going anywhere without me knowing about it in advance.
When they go to execute whatever technique, you respond to the energy they give you. Doesn't matter if you know what the technique is going to be, works better if you don't know.