

Orange Belt
Nov 22, 2002
Reaction score
Do we have anyone on here who takes kajukembo? If so how do you like it? Does anyone know anything about sifu cox in Abilene,texas? He is part of the noble organization of kajukembo.Thanks
The inaugural North American issue of Budo International magazine, now on newsstands, has an article on Mr. Emperado of Kajukembo. He demonstrates a technique from a wheelchair (apparently he uses one now) and is interviewed at length.
The technique from the wheelchair isn't actually in the magazine. It's supposedly in the video that Budo Int'l produced on Kajukenbo. I trained in Kajukenbo-Chuan-Fa branch for several months and the training was great. Take a look at the school before you decide. Good style, but the instructor makes the difference.
Originally posted by M F

The technique from the wheelchair isn't actually in the magazine.

I perused the magazine this afternoon and he was indeed shown doing a technique from a wheelchair; several non-action photos of him with his students also had him in a wheelchair, so I assumed that due to age or injury he typically used one.
You're right. Somehow I missed that huge two page layout the first time I looked at it.
The current issue of Budo International magazine (#10) has a brief sequence of techniques from Kajukenbo.
I perused the magazine this afternoon and he was indeed shown doing a technique from a wheelchair; several non-action photos of him with his students also had him in a wheelchair, so I assumed that due to age or injury he typically used one.

Sijo has had a heart condition for several years. A while back, when he was still using a walker, he was menaced by a guy while shopping in a supermarket; he took the guy down and out with little problem.

