Kaith in Motion.....

does this remind anyone else of those hand games you used to play on the playground?

"double double this this double double that that double this double that double double this that"


"I dont wanna go to mexico no more more more theres a big fat policeman at the door door door he'd grab me by the colar, make me pay a dollar I dont wanna go to mexico no more more more SHAME ON YOU!"


but seriously. that was pretty cool. I could never do that.
nice job bob,i enjoyed watching you and bryson. usually when i teach bryson we mostly work on kenpo and have not trained arnis for sometime together but you guys were looking good. i was at the camp when rick introduced this drill and i asked him specifically where it came from and his response was the old guys in stockton cali.
maybe i will post a clip if i figure out how to do it.
jay :-partyon:
Hey Jason,
If you make it out to Buffalo, I'll gladly shoot a few clips of ya. (Hey, bring my d'tang out too if ya haven't given it to Hartman. :))

Heres 3 more clips.

- It was really sunny out, hense the shades.
- 1'st 2 are the basic angles of attack (1-10)
- 3rd is same angles done with a POS wakasashi (It's really worth about $5) wall hanger I have, done for yuks.

Be gentle, I'm only an outta practice blue belt. :D

Kaith Rustaz said:
Be gentle, I'm only an outta practice blue belt. :D
Only one comment...

You are a brave brave man to do technique with a 5 dollar wakizashi in open toed sandles.

Well, some would say Brave is next to Thrifty...but I aint no BoyScout! :D
Bob. You guys only use 10 angles? If you do I guess it kinda makes sense as 6-7 and 10-11 are pretty much the same strikes ony a few inches higher.
10/11 were recently dropped due to the strike being the same, just the target was different. I believe it was something in a revision of the curiculum sometime in the last year. I'm still catching up on the changes from when I was on an extended break.
Hi Bob!

Have you tried these angles of attack with a partner doing the blocks?
With your footwork, try using 45 angles rather than straight in and out. You may find it flows more naturally once you're working with a partner, is more evasive, (and is more conducive to the bladework).

Great stuff, thanks for sharing!
I have, not recently though. (My regular partner was the slightly bored sounding gal doing the clips. :) )

I'll check my footwork...always a sticking point for me. Thank you for the tip. :)
Kaith Rustaz said:
I'll check my footwork...always a sticking point for me. Thank you for the tip. :)
No prob, Bob! :) Just my opinion on first glance. Yes, the footwork can be challenging - I always find that the footwork flows much better when in a dynamic situation vs. executing the drills solo and stationary. I have a bad habit of moving all over the damn place, which makes me a real pain in the rear for a student in a smaller room or a garage.
The dropping of 10/11 by the WMAA is pretty recent. It was discussed here, but I forget just where--maybe the "How many angles in your system?" (or whatever the exact title was) thread in FMA-General?
Looks good. Relax the live hand, and don't let it get tied up (like on #7). Otherwise...I think you're ready to step up the speed and power!
arnisador said:
The dropping of 10/11 by the WMAA is pretty recent. It was discussed here, but I forget just where--maybe the "How many angles in your system?" (or whatever the exact title was) thread in FMA-General?
Always seemed like a legit streamlineing move to me. I wonder why its stuck around for so long..in various systems too if I recall properly.
how is the foot work in modern arnis different from say serrada escrima? from what i know about serrada escrima, you stay in tight on your opponent and keep your body's centerline aligned with your opponent. i havent really seen modern arnis in action.

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