Kaith in 2004?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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As an exercise in politicing, and as a semi serious lark, I'd like to announce my candicy for the 2004 Presidency.

Now, obviously I won't be on a single ballot in any of the states, however I'm curious on the result.

I am looking for a couple of 'stand ins' for the other 3 blokes who are running to debate issues against. I will be setting up a temporary forum under the Study for this exercize, as well as the published positions of each candidate. I'll be posting my own 'plan' of action and at the end of it all, will set up a poll to 'elect' the president. I am curious on a few things.

How well I can do.
How I compare against those seasoned competitors.
If I can hold my own.
as well as more.

I'm not certain of the moderation level for that forum...though I am leaning towards "unmoderated" with the exception that it must somehow pertain to the general topic.

The first thing I need to do is determine the issues and positions of the real candidates. Once I set my own 'position' I may pick a 'running mate' (If anyone is crazy enough to jump into the bonfire with me.)

I'll then create the forum and start the ball rolling. I plan on 'running' for the month of October, and letting the "polls" run from 11/1 through the day before the election.

Feedback, suggestions, etc. always welcome.
No moderation is a bad idea. I'm not saying it has to be me, but if you intend to do it under the study, that would fall within my jurisdiction. However, its your game, so I guess you make the rules. Further to this, though, as a Canadian I have no direct vested interest, which essentially eliminates *most* of the potential bias.

Kaith, why no moderation? Without enforcement of rules, the rules are moot, without rules, there is no order, and without order, the debate becomes unstructured and unproductive.

Unless you have faith that everyone has the ability to remain civil on their own....

Aside from that though, sounds like a pretty neat idea. It could be a lot of fun to watch.
In politics, there is mudslinging, dirt digging, etc. It can get very ugly.

I'm 'iffy' on the thing. Part of this is the whole "I didnt ask ya, so why should you have to take on the extra headache". Let me think on this a bit...we still have some time to hammer out the 'rules of engagement'. :)
I am forming a comittee to raise the neccessary funds and see on how viable I am as a prospective candidate.

The Wiser Group

Forum is created, and I've started the ball rolling.
I've posted my platform, as well as links to the other US parties websites.

Regular forum rules apply in there.
Sure ... and the Forum has your name on it ... How fair is that ...

Obviously, your candidacy is sponsored by the huge multinational corporation of MartialTalk ... and you will be installed as president merely to be their puppet.

I spit on your candidacy .. ptwaw!!!

Oh, perhaps this should have been posted in that forum ...

Need him rubbed out, Kaith?
Okay Gentlemen may I have your attention please. As I hold up this pen. Thank you very much. A flash goes off and I suggest to you to be loyal Kaith Supporters.

And to think the Men in Black just made that device up LOL! Where do you think they got the idea from lol!!
Mark Weiser said:
Okay Gentlemen may I have your attention please. As I hold up this pen. Thank you very much. A flash goes off and I suggest to you to be loyal Kaith Supporters.

And to think the Men in Black just made that device up LOL! Where do you think they got the idea from lol!!

The soft whir of the black helocoptors breaks us all away from our satire...
I demand an accounting of The Kaith's corporate financing, together with a detailed account of his service in the Texas and Alabama National Guard.

If he did not serve in Shay's Rebellion, furthermore, how can he possibly ask the ATF to search out illegal tax stamps?

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