Kai the Homeless Hitchhiker and his hatchet

Next thing you know, certain people will be suggesting that we don't need anything other than a hatchet to defend ourselves from home invasion robberies.
Next thing you know, certain people will be suggesting that we don't need anything other than a hatchet to defend ourselves from home invasion robberies.
Don't you mean a hatchet wielding doofus? As for me, had I hit someone thrice with a hatchet, they wouldn't have arrested him... but, then, I am not a scrawny stoner...
I was somewhat suprised to hear Homeless Kai say he hit the man with a hatchet three times, followed by the network guy saying none of the injuries were life threatening.

Frankly, Homeless Kai looks like a tweaker to me. It could have just been adrenaline, but if he and Jesus were smoking some meth, that would explain the described behavior as well as Homeless Kais personality quirks...

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