Justin Timberlake, a stand up guy...

I think your Marines are a little more straght laced than our soldiers, on deployment last year our conditioning coach John and his Company of Scots Guards were on duty with American Marines, the Americans had gone out on patrol and came back to all the Scot Guards all in their proper positions, but stark naked apart from John who was wearing just his trousers. The Americans asked what was going on, John just shrugged and told them he had tried to reason with his troops, he then walked away from them...with the back of his trousers cut out and his naked backside hanging out, the Marines freaked roflmao.
I think your Marines are a little more straght laced than our soldiers, on deployment last year our conditioning coach John and his Company of Scots Guards were on duty with American Marines, the Americans had gone out on patrol and came back to all the Scot Guards all in their proper positions, but stark naked apart from John who was wearing just his trousers. The Americans asked what was going on, John just shrugged and told them he had tried to reason with his troops, he then walked away from them...with the back of his trousers cut out and his naked backside hanging out, the Marines freaked roflmao.

Nah. That's just typical. One group is always going to be uncomfortable with another's homo-eroticism and homoerotic rituals, even when they have there own. It's as old as the Spartans calling Athenians "boy ****ers," when they were all just as guilty themselves. If your Marines/Guards/Squaddies were on board a U.S. ship when it crossed the equator, and witnessed the Shellback ceremony for those who did it for the first time, their reaction would be similar. :lfao:
Nah. That's just typical. One group is always going to be uncomfortable with another's homo-eroticism and homoerotic rituals, even when they have there own. It's as old as the Spartans calling Athenians "boy ****ers," when they were all just as guilty themselves. If your Marines/Guards/Squaddies were on board a U.S. ship when it crossed the equator, and witnessed the Shellback ceremony for those who did it for the first time, their reaction would be similar. :lfao:

Funny you should say that. Sometimes I'll kid around in the dojo, threatening to throw a fellow student down and 'have my way with him'. I find it humorous; they are often squicked by the jest. :shrug: It's one of those things; in the Corps, such humor was constant. None of use felt threatened or considered such jokes 'real' in any sense. Civilians are apparently less able to deal with jokes involving faux homosexuality.
Nah. That's just typical. One group is always going to be uncomfortable with another's homo-eroticism and homoerotic rituals, even when they have there own. It's as old as the Spartans calling Athenians "boy ****ers," when they were all just as guilty themselves. If your Marines/Guards/Squaddies were on board a U.S. ship when it crossed the equator, and witnessed the Shellback ceremony for those who did it for the first time, their reaction would be similar. :lfao:

Our lot will shag anything with a pulse, well anything that's still warm anyway so I'd fear our lot would look upon it a challenge to be really gross and boy can they be gross! Our troops have several hundred years of being the 'scum of the earth' behind them, Scots Guards have been at it since 1641! :)

And don't forget being gay is legal in our forces lol!
Our lot will shag anything with a pulse, well anything that's still warm anyway so I'd fear our lot would look upon it a challenge to be really gross and boy can they be gross! !

Yeah. I'm just saying that it's funny and okay when "we" do it, but when someone else does something similar.....eeeew! :lfao:
ROFL both at the joke and the well crafted response from Gran :).
It'd be a little difficult for him to say "no" when he called out Mila publicly saying something like: You've gotta go. Do it for your country.

Still, cynicism aside, it's a nice gesture.

As our squaddies say S A S ( a Shags a Shag) :ultracool
Just two quick comments, one from an article I read about the Mila Kunis story. Apparently first lady Elenor Roosavelt once said something along the lines of "The US Marines have the cleanest bodies and the filthiest minds, the highest morale and the lowest morals of any animal ever to walk the earth. Thank God for the US Marines."

And second, The reason Scotts wear kilts is that it`s easier to run away from an angry father or jealous husband with your kilt up than it is with your pants down.