Just to let everybody know.....


Purple Belt
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
All over the U.S.
Yeah I just wanted everybody on martial talk to know that I just started writing a short story in a blog that I just got set up. It's free doesn't cost anything. I post a new couple of pages about once a week. And I would like to get some feed back on it if you'd care to check it out. In this manner with criticisms, and such I can become a much better writer,and perhaps one day be good enough to get published. So the address to the blog, is www.thewayofthewarrrior-nobody.blogspot.com. Please go check it out if you like to read. Honestly I would appreciate any and all feedback, either in this thread or on the blog. Thanks so much for your time and I appreciate your taking the time to read this.
Yeah I just wanted everybody on martial talk to know that I just started writing a short story in a blog that I just got set up. It's free doesn't cost anything. I post a new couple of pages about once a week. And I would like to get some feed back on it if you'd care to check it out. In this manner with criticisms, and such I can become a much better writer,and perhaps one day be good enough to get published. So the address to the blog, is www.thewayofthewarrrior-nobody.blogspot.com. Please go check it out if you like to read. Honestly I would appreciate any and all feedback, either in this thread or on the blog. Thanks so much for your time and I appreciate your taking the time to read this.
it says the blog is not found
