Just starting me and my son a couple of questions.


White Belt
Jun 21, 2023
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Me and my 8 year old are starting karate.

I want to get a free standing bag for us that I can roll out pratice punches and kicks (low power).

Would would be good ones that are at a good height for the both of us?

Second question.

When I was 18 I had ACL and cartlidge surgery in my knee. I've blown it out slipping on surfaces a few times since. I have a nice brace but it's two much so I'm looking for something to use to provide some stability while I build confidence and strengthen the knee.

All advice is appreciated.
The Wavemaster freestanding bags from Century are very good. Personally, I prefer the BOB version since they let you train specific anatomical targets, do uppercuts, etc. My favorite is the VS.BOB, since it has arms and legs to attack as well as the body.
I was a short kid, but bob was not size appropriate for me, until probabpy around 12/13 years old. They make a bob for kids that i used-i can link it when I'm on a computer later, but if you go to century and type 'bobby' or 'bully' bag it should come up.
If you want one that you can both use, you might want to look into the Century Versys or Century Torrent. They're not BOBs, but they're tall enough for you and have a base short enough for your kid.

There is a Versys for kids, but it's less than 4 feet tall, so would only be good for you to practice body and low leg kicks on.

Or you can get a BOB XL for you and a Bobby Bully for your kid.
If you want one that you can both use, you might want to look into the Century Versys or Century Torrent. They're not BOBs, but they're tall enough for you and have a base short enough for your kid.

There is a Versys for kids, but it's less than 4 feet tall, so would only be good for you to practice body and low leg kicks on.

Or you can get a BOB XL for you and a Bobby Bully for your kid.
I'm seconding this. My preference would be a bob and bully each, but if you've only got the space for one, the versys is pretty good, and the way it's built both of you should be fine with it.
I don't know how big he is, but they're adjustable. And there are specific kid sized models.
The problem is for a smaller kid, especially a beginner, the base might be too tall.
Is it low enough for him
The height of both is adjustable. Early on, it could be a challenge to hit the bag on the lowest setting (I do not know your child's height), but we have 8-year-olds regularly kicking Wavemasters and BOB's.

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