Yup, kehcorpz! Was that really a few years ago, man time flies. There was another guy from when I first started, Z-something, he was one of those guys who practiced some form of kung fu, and thought he was gods gift to martial arts because of it. I think it was before you came on. I'm going to see if I can dig him back up, definitely makes for entertaining reading.Sounds like kehcorpz or something like that. He was a few years back. Asked about every style, one at a time, then bashed said style. He was looking for the ultimate style somehow.
Then there was the Isiah some number guy. Created his own system from YouTube videos. Remember his simulating gun defense by running in an arc, but still getting hit with nerf darts? Pure genius.
This guy isn’t even close.
It’s like Howard Stern’s Wack Pack. This guy thinks he’s Beetlejuice or Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf status, whereas he’s Marfan Mike level. Yeah, Marfan’s a Wack Packer, but barely; this guy’s MT village idiot, but he’s no Kehkorpz or Isiah.