Just joined Okinawan Kenpo

Et Al,

Does'nt it depend on which system of Oki. Kenpo you study? Does'nt the gent in PA (Bruce something) teach a different system than the Odo version of Ryu Kyu ? Technically, could't there be some pretty different versions to the various kata? Such as the differences between the Tracy, EPAK forms? Even though there are numerous simularities. There are also some applicational differences.

By GOD's Grace,
1st John1:9
there might be some differences in body posture and such......as in the way uechi-ryu does sanchin and the way goju does sanchin......but one would still be able to see that its still sanchin. this is far different than the "tekki" kata i saw on that site, compared to naihanchi. there are big differences.
not that there is anything wrong with that.
Well Guys,

I found out for myself what it really is like. I just survived an hour and a half class. :)

It is very different than the Shotokan that I am used too. Different hand and body position on techniques. They have so many more types of strikes and techniques that we rarely use in Shotokan. Some things felt the same but most felt different. They also put a larger emphasis on body conditioning and fighting than my Shotokan school.

The biggest difference to my amazement was that they go full contact. No not hard. FULL contact. They wear more protective gear that I'm used to but you can really go all out. :jedi1:

I actually sparred in my first class. I walked in wearing my old white belt and after a class with them quite frankly I felt like one. I had no idea that you could actually and are encouraged to use groin strikes and low kicks to the legs. Sweeps, throw, takedowns, locks and continuing to finish while still on the ground. :xtrmshock :xtrmshock :xtrmshock

I can't wait to go back. :supcool:

I was so impressed I signed up. It's official I have succumbed to the darkside!!!
Shotochem said:
Well Guys,

I found out for myself what it really is like. I just survived an hour and a half class. :)

It is very different than the Shotokan that I am used too. Different hand and body position on techniques. They have so many more types of strikes and techniques that we rarely use in Shotokan. Some things felt the same but most felt different. They also put a larger emphasis on body conditioning and fighting than my Shotokan school.

The biggest difference to my amazement was that they go full contact. No not hard. FULL contact. They wear more protective gear that I'm used to but you can really go all out. :jedi1:

I actually sparred in my first class. I walked in wearing my old white belt and after a class with them quite frankly I felt like one. I had no idea that you could actually and are encouraged to use groin strikes and low kicks to the legs. Sweeps, throw, takedowns, locks and continuing to finish while still on the ground. :xtrmshock :xtrmshock :xtrmshock

I can't wait to go back. :supcool:

I was so impressed I signed up. It's official I have succumbed to the darkside!!!
Glad you enjoyed your first class.....now go rest for the next day, and the day after :D
No , Bruce Heilman was a long time student of Seikichi Odo .
Actually Bruce did a lot of the kata differently from Odo Sensei. Had something to do with his Jujutsu training I think. He moved a lot differently. I think he may have been a Shotokan black belt at one point too. I may be thinking of John Snyder though.