Just Got out of The hospital Yesterday


Master of Arts
May 26, 2002
Reaction score
I've Been pretty Sick,The Doc thinks it started with some bad meat.

I had a Virus in My Stomach & Appendix
I was admited cause they feard My appendix might go
I was hooked up to I v's on both Arms & They kep Sticking me with Needals,needless to say it sucked.

The Doc's told me my Apendix would be fine
& i did not need Surgary so they said i could eat but
Chicken Broth,Gello & Ice Chip is not the Meal i had in Mind.

For Pain They Kept giving me Shots That simpply
Just Ko'd me im home now & thankful to god
Im still Pretty Sick & was told no excersise for 2 weeks

But it's good to be back
Hope you bounce back real fast ace, as being sick truly sucks. I got sick from breathing some very bad air 2 years ago and I still ain't recovered from the experience. Be sure to take all the time you can to fully recover, as there is no substitute for good old fashioned bed rest where healing is concerned. Good luck! :asian:
Originally posted by tunetigress
Hope you bounce back real fast ace, as being sick truly sucks. I got sick from breathing some very bad air 2 years ago and I still ain't recovered from the experience. Be sure to take all the time you can to fully recover, as there is no substitute for good old fashioned bed rest where healing is concerned. Good luck! :asian:

Thank U:wavey:
Glad your Appendix didnt go like mine! That puts you out of action for at least 6 weeks! Hope you get a lot better! :asian:
And Here, I have been fighjting this cold that keeps coming back every couple of weeks, trying to get in shape to take you on the ground again. I figured if I could beat those little germs, then I would be tough enough to roll around for a while on the ground.

And now you go and get your appendix out. Well I am not going to go that far. :) Sheesh, what some people will do for training.


Seriously Primo, Get well, listen to your doctors, and take your time getting better. I hope to see you in May! :)

Best Regards
im happy to be out
thanks again.
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Hurry up and get better so that you can get back on the mat, resume your training and kick some ***... :karate:

Thank U im feeling realy good today
& verry Glad to be out of the hospital.

I know ill be Training soon.
Thank u to all for the boost to get Back Quick
Im back to Class & feeling Good.