Just got my new live blade.


Purple Belt
here it is, sorry for the bad pics I will get better ones and post them. I purchased it as a semi-custom blade from Ronin Swords.

It is a Kabuse (laminated) blade, 28 inches long with a Nando blue silk tsuka-ito over a black same (real). It has two mekugi and the menuki are a dragon and a sakura, the fuchi and kashira are an apple blossom motiff with a musashi style tsuba. Balanced well and flows nicely in the hand. After studying MSR for the past 5 years it was about time I got a live blade.

The blade:


The tsuka:


The hamon:


A close up of the hamon:

Nice to see a person progressing in their art :tup:.

Let us know the first time you cut yourself :D. Sensei Pain teaches us that iaito sometimes forgive us our mistakes but that shinken do not :).
Nice to see a person progressing in their art :tup:.

Let us know the first time you cut yourself :D. Sensei Pain teaches us that iaito sometimes forgive us our mistakes but that shinken do not :).

I think I nicked myself two or three times a practice for about the first month when I got my shinken. Little tiny buggers that made my hand look like a mess.

Now I will use my iaito and shinken both at practice. If I'm trying something new or working on something specific I'll switch over to my iaito.

Sukerin, Aikicamp, whose your sensei?
Looks very nice Aikicomp! Looks like a fairly wide blade though. Might get a bit heavy for everyday use. I had to switch to a lighter sword a few months back because my usual one (no bohi) was contributing to my wrist problems.
Hi Ken, given that I'm over in England I doubt that you would ever have heard of my Iai sensei. He was one of the first people to begin learning the Japanese sword arts over here and in his younger years was very much involved with getting the various organisations going. Now, to my mind at least, he just wants to leave the 'politics' to one side as much as he can and concentrate on passing his experience on.

Then there is the aforementioned Sensei Pain, of course; he who teaches everyone :D.
Hi Ken, given that I'm over in England I doubt that you would ever have heard of my Iai sensei. He was one of the first people to begin learning the Japanese sword arts over here and in his younger years was very much involved with getting the various organisations going. Now, to my mind at least, he just wants to leave the 'politics' to one side as much as he can and concentrate on passing his experience on.

Then there is the aforementioned Sensei Pain, of course; he who teaches everyone :D.

Ah you'd be surprised.

Kim Taylor, http://www.uoguelph.ca/~iaido/ my Sensei knows damn near all the old boys from the UK, they intoduced us to Haruna Sensei years ago. Kim was practicing in the UK, at least 20 years ago. I think I know who you're talking about anyway:), iaido is a small world. In fact if I'm correct, I have some videos of your sensei right beside me!

Drop me an email if you want, I doubt there's anymore than 4 or 5 iaido people on this forum anyway. And I haven't seen anyone mention jodo other than me!

Take care,
Aye, I know of Sensei Taylor from the time when I was scouring the Net looking for someone in England who could teach me iai - any reference to the art was eagerly devoured :D.

My Sensei is John Lovatt and I was also taught by the redoubtable John Shaw before he passed a few years ago. I would be very surprised if you have any video of Sensei Lovatt, tho if you have I would love to see it :D. He was in a film a number of years back mind you ... not talking Hollywood, just a low budget affair (I can't even recall the title or indeed if it was ever released).
You're right, I don't. I was think of someone else!! Damn, not as smart as I thought I was!!

Though I do know the name. I'd be surprised if Kim didn't know or know of them.
Nice to see a person progressing in their art :tup:.

Let us know the first time you cut yourself :D. Sensei Pain teaches us that iaito sometimes forgive us our mistakes but that shinken do not :).

Well that didn't take long......

I think I nicked myself two or three times a practice for about the first month when I got my shinken. Little tiny buggers that made my hand look like a mess.

Exactly what I did to myself 1/8" Long x 1/32" Deep. Got real lucky.

"It's merely a fleshwound"

Sukerin, Aikicamp, whose your sensei?

I, unfortunately, do not formally study anymore. I had studied with Joanne Sensei of the San Shin Kai for three years (good technical teacher), attended 9 seminars by Werhan Shihan and was lucky enough to study with Mitsuzuka Sensei at a couple of camps. (I even got a picture with Sensei)

Looks very nice Aikicomp! Looks like a fairly wide blade though. Might get a bit heavy for everyday use. I had to switch to a lighter sword a few months back because my usual one (no bohi) was contributing to my wrist problems.

Thanks, it's the same width of my iaito and the weight isn't that much heavier than my iaito. The shinken is definitely better balanced, I'll see how it goes.

Let me just say that sayabiki and a correct grip around the koiguchi is a VERY important part of your Iai training.

If you lose concentration, either during nukitsuke or noto your blade WILL remind.

practice safe

Aye, I know of Sensei Taylor from the time when I was scouring the Net looking for someone in England who could teach me iai - any reference to the art was eagerly devoured :D.

My Sensei is John Lovatt and I was also taught by the redoubtable John Shaw before he passed a few years ago. I would be very surprised if you have any video of Sensei Lovatt, tho if you have I would love to see it :D. He was in a film a number of years back mind you ... not talking Hollywood, just a low budget affair (I can't even recall the title or indeed if it was ever released).

i am related to sensei lovatt although i have never met him yet , i will have to some day he sounds like a good man, i do not live far from staffordshire so i will have to, i do taekwon-do with my master dennis salt. its a small world