Just an Observation



Those Kenpo folks really are the most active participants on this board...every time I log on, there is a new post in the Kenpo section...I don't know anything about Kenpo, so I don't even check in down there, but it is nice to see some folks actively involved in a dialogue with their peers.

we don't talk about just kenpo in there...everyone's input is more than welcome of course...and it's also good to get another view on different subjects...
That's because we rock.


I think Karate in general is very accessible to the public from tv etc, so there are likely more practitioners than Ninpo or Savate, for example. That's a guess, but it may be there are simply more members around (numbers-wise).

In fact, Kaith, do we have that kind of actuarian info? Curious.
In fact, Kaith, do we have that kind of actuarian info? Curious.

Not easily.
I'd have to do a number of manual searches on the members list.

Wouldnt mind being able to see the tallies though.... hmm... I'll toss it on the to-research list. :)
I haven't seen too many boards that are as well put together and
"pretty" as this one. I think that's why so many kenpoists come
here, because there's not a whole lot out there that compares.
Unlike CMA boards, where there's a TON of them!
I like Kenpo eventhough I never done it. It's an interesting art. But I have to ask "WHERE THE HELL IS THE TANG SOO DO FOLKS!!!!" Wait ..... I do TKD now ..... shoot. Ok, WHERE IS THE TAE KWON DO FOLKS!!!" Not much goes on in the Korean arts :(

Tang Soo!!! ...... Ooops ..... Phil Sung! hehehehehe
Originally posted by karatekid1975
I like Kenpo eventhough I never done it. It's an interesting art. But I have to ask "WHERE THE HELL IS THE TANG SOO DO FOLKS!!!!" Wait ..... I do TKD now ..... shoot. Ok, WHERE IS THE TAE KWON DO FOLKS!!!" Not much goes on in the Korean arts :(

Tang Soo!!! ...... Ooops ..... Phil Sung! hehehehehe

If you'd like to get it more active... post your tail off in there.
It works, honestly!
Originally posted by karatekid1975
...Ok, WHERE IS THE TAE KWON DO FOLKS!!!" Not much goes on in the Korean arts :(

We supposedly study one of the world's most popular Martial Arts, have millions of practitioners, yet there's not enough new posting going on in our TKD area here. :mad:

We're not slackers are we?;)
Originally posted by Kirk
If you'd like to get it more active... post your tail off in there.
It works, honestly!

yeah...some people just don't want to feel they have to come up with new, interesting topics...so they would rather just contribute by adding their own opinions to threads that have already been started. i'd say i probably fall under that catagory unless i really have something to ask or find out something i feel would be good to share.
I still reckon the Locker Room is the best thing bout this place :rofl:
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
And the HUMOR section always has some good new threads and posts too that always keep me in stitches... :rofl: :rofl: :lol:

Locker room is my domain :ticked: But the Humour forum is pretty cool, specially the Yo Momma thread, without that I dont think I would have become so well aquainted with Jason or Rich lol :asian:
I know what you mean the kenpo practitioners here are like roaches they're numerous and all over the place. :D
I turned my back on the computer for 30 seconds...and the first post up, is a Kempo post...

This board owes them a great deal...it would be fairly quiet, otherwise...that is...posts would come up every 10 or 15 minutes, instaed of every thirty seconds.:p
