Brown Belt
There is a new school in town called the Gunjin Dojo and is teaching Junsa-ryu karate. Supposedly the instructors are military and LEO types and are trying to selling this to the local law enforcement community pretty hard (they offer good rates if you are LE of any kind; local, county, state, fed or mil types). But in all my years I have never heard of Junsa-Ryu karate and without actually going to talk to anyone I am trying to find out more, fore warned is fore armed and all that....
I have googled them and nothing there and they do not have a web site up yet. They are teaching out at Ft. Carson so I dont know what kind of school it is or anything else.
I have googled them and nothing there and they do not have a web site up yet. They are teaching out at Ft. Carson so I dont know what kind of school it is or anything else.
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