IMAF, Inc.
June 20-23, 2002
16th Annual 4 day Modern Arnis Camp
East Lansing, Michigan on the campus of MSU
Sponsored by Terry Wareham
following is a link to the pricing information.
I hope to see you there...
Thank You,
David Ng
Board of Directors, IMAF, Inc.
p.s- if you can only make it one of the days contact Terry Wareham for the price break down. brogam@chaffee.net
A letter from Terry Wareham:
Dear fellow Arnisador,
I am proud to announce the 16th Annual Midwest Modern Arnis Summer Camp! The
camp will be held Thursday, June 20th through Sunday, June 23rd at Michigan
State University.
As you may already know, Grandmaster Remy Amador Presas, Father and Founder of
Modern Arnis, passed away August 28, 2001. Before his death, Grandmaster Presas
appointed Randi Schea, MD as the Successor and Chairman of the International
Modern Arnis Federation (IMAF, Inc.). The IMAF is dedicated to continuing
Grandmaster Presas' vision for the future of Modern Arnis in an open, sharing
and nurturing way. For more information about Modern Arnis and the IMAF, Inc,
please visit www.modernarnis.net
This year's camp will be lead by IMAF Steering Committee members and Masters of
Tapi-Tapi Randi Schea, MD, Chuck Gauss, Jim Ladis, Ken Smith and Brian
Zawilinski. Instruction will include many areas of Modern Arnis training
including basic, intermediate and advanced material with an emphasis on
developing a strong foundation, and, of course, lots of Tapi-Tapi!
We will be staying in Holden Hall on the Southwest end of the MSU campus.
Please see the information below for pricing options. The inclusive package
includes training, lodging and meals. Meals will include breakfast, lunch and
dinner and will begin with dinner on Thursday night and end with lunch on Sunday
afternoon. There are also plenty of restaurants within walking distance of the
dorm. Please be sure to indicate if you plan to arrive a day early or leave
late, and if you would like to stay in your dorm room. Also, be sure to indicate
if you would prefer a private room.
Please download and print the registration form in PDF format and send it to
the address below. Please make checks payable to "Midwest Modern Arnis" (Sorry,
credit card payments cannot be accepted). I will send you a map and additional
information when I receive your registration form and payment.
This year's camp is sure to be dynamic, high-energy and fun-filled for
Thank you and we all look forward to seeing you in June!
Respectfully yours,
Terry Wareham, Camp Director
June 20-23, 2002
16th Annual 4 day Modern Arnis Camp
East Lansing, Michigan on the campus of MSU
Sponsored by Terry Wareham
following is a link to the pricing information.
I hope to see you there...
Thank You,
David Ng
Board of Directors, IMAF, Inc.
p.s- if you can only make it one of the days contact Terry Wareham for the price break down. brogam@chaffee.net
A letter from Terry Wareham:
Dear fellow Arnisador,
I am proud to announce the 16th Annual Midwest Modern Arnis Summer Camp! The
camp will be held Thursday, June 20th through Sunday, June 23rd at Michigan
State University.
As you may already know, Grandmaster Remy Amador Presas, Father and Founder of
Modern Arnis, passed away August 28, 2001. Before his death, Grandmaster Presas
appointed Randi Schea, MD as the Successor and Chairman of the International
Modern Arnis Federation (IMAF, Inc.). The IMAF is dedicated to continuing
Grandmaster Presas' vision for the future of Modern Arnis in an open, sharing
and nurturing way. For more information about Modern Arnis and the IMAF, Inc,
please visit www.modernarnis.net
This year's camp will be lead by IMAF Steering Committee members and Masters of
Tapi-Tapi Randi Schea, MD, Chuck Gauss, Jim Ladis, Ken Smith and Brian
Zawilinski. Instruction will include many areas of Modern Arnis training
including basic, intermediate and advanced material with an emphasis on
developing a strong foundation, and, of course, lots of Tapi-Tapi!
We will be staying in Holden Hall on the Southwest end of the MSU campus.
Please see the information below for pricing options. The inclusive package
includes training, lodging and meals. Meals will include breakfast, lunch and
dinner and will begin with dinner on Thursday night and end with lunch on Sunday
afternoon. There are also plenty of restaurants within walking distance of the
dorm. Please be sure to indicate if you plan to arrive a day early or leave
late, and if you would like to stay in your dorm room. Also, be sure to indicate
if you would prefer a private room.
Please download and print the registration form in PDF format and send it to
the address below. Please make checks payable to "Midwest Modern Arnis" (Sorry,
credit card payments cannot be accepted). I will send you a map and additional
information when I receive your registration form and payment.
This year's camp is sure to be dynamic, high-energy and fun-filled for
Thank you and we all look forward to seeing you in June!
Respectfully yours,
Terry Wareham, Camp Director