Jumps and acrobatic in Kung Fu...

Yes there are.
According to this post a just added a link to the libary.
Kungfu is probably the most acrobatics martial arts.
Well Kung fu and wushu are the same thing. Only that the word wushu somehow is more often used when we talk aboutthe modern kungfu-style chang quan. There are backflips, cartwheels without hands, butterfly twists with 2 rotations an split landings etc in it.

The link i added is
There are some cool flash animated instuctions on it.

Wushu is now so acrobatics, that u cannot fight with it anymore.
But its looks very good and is very acrobatics. Much more then capoeiro.
Just think about juet li, chakie chan and donnie yen.

However, in my opinion modern kungfu becomes really cool when its mixed with traditional applications wingchun etc...
Kung fu or Gong Fu actually means "achievement through great effort"
Wushu actually means "martial art".

However I agree with moonflipper that Wushu today can be more flash than function.

And many kung fu forms are very aerobic, but not all Kung fu style are created equal. And many of these styles are incredibly functional and not as flashy as wushu

It truly depends on which style you are talking about.
Yes, there are many, many "styles" of kung fu, each being different from the next. There are many CMA style sthat have absolutely no "acrobatics" or "jumping" in them.
