Jump Kicks in Action!

Unless the banks were American Branches... I canna think of a reason why they would do that... Ok, they're pissed at us because Chevez says it's okay to hate us... but I've never understood rioters :rolleyes: ahem, excuse me... protesters going around destroying stuff... particularly in their own towns ... you'd think the folks at the buildings they are "attacking" would be on their side... :idunno: it's all greek (or argentian) to me.
Rioting in Argentina, rioting in France...there's a lot of it going on, in any event.

But, I thought the first picture especially was a very nice jump kick!
Imagine the damage it would do to their leg if it when through. I forsee scrapping of skin
Yeah, I hadn't thought about that...it may be better to fail than to succeed here! I suppose it depends on just how the glass breaks.
arnisador said:
Yeah, I hadn't thought about that...it may be better to fail than to succeed here! I suppose it depends on just how the glass breaks.
Really. Shatter the glass, but sever the achilles. Talk about winning the battle, but losing the war...:)
But, all the spectators will be able to get in the bank and get the money...they'll be the ones to benefit!
arnisador said:
Yeah, I hadn't thought about that...it may be better to fail than to succeed here! I suppose it depends on just how the glass breaks.
No doubt. Even if their leg doesn't poke Through the glass, imgagine a large slab of broken glass falling toward your extended leg...
not good!

not good at all........
(couldn't happen to a smarter guy)
Your Brother