jukken jutsu/gentle fist


Purple Belt
Apr 14, 2007
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Has anyone heard of this style? I'm looking for information on it...anything will do. Thanks everyone.
Jukendo is the use of the bayonet. I'm afraid I haven't heard of Jukken Jutsu.
Is it possible that the spelling could be off?
The only place that I've ever heard of Jukken is in the manga Naruto. I have never encountered any mention of it anywhere else, nor is it listed in the Bugei Ryuha Daijiten. Therefore, I have to conclude that it was invented for the manga and has no real counterpart.
Someone at the college I go to use to live in Japan and claimed to have learned that style(thats his spelling too). He said it was a lot of open handed strikes. I have never found any information about it, so it is probably misspelled or something he made up.
ok he was probably not truly educated in this style how ever i am and its spelled juken. and yes its is alot of open handed strikes. it is also a style were the user attacks your pressure points.its basicly the opposite of inflicting exernal damage
( such as punches and kicks ) and instead it inflicts internal damage, damaging major internal organs ( if juken is used correctly. ) and those are just some of the things this style is capable of.
ok he was probably not truly educated in this style how ever i am and its spelled juken. and yes its is alot of open handed strikes. it is also a style were the user attacks your pressure points.its basicly the opposite of inflicting exernal damage
( such as punches and kicks ) and instead it inflicts internal damage, damaging major internal organs ( if juken is used correctly. ) and those are just some of the things this style is capable of.
Can you tell us more about juken jutsu? Where'd it originate (I assume Japan...), and what's it "look" like? Who are some of the teachers of the style?
Can you tell us more about juken jutsu? Where'd it originate (I assume Japan...), and what's it "look" like? Who are some of the teachers of the style?
Yes you are right about how it works. It is mainly used as an defence than attack. Like the kaiten(rotation) it supposed to spin around with your energy blocking attacks from everywhere. Also if you try to fight close rang againts someone who can use it efectivly then you most likely win.
Yes you are right about how it works. It is mainly used as an defence than attack. Like the kaiten(rotation) it supposed to spin around with your energy blocking attacks from everywhere. Also if you try to fight close rang againts someone who can use it efectivly then you most likely win.
I hate to be picky, but you didn't at all answer my questions. I guess it comes from Japan? Is it similar to aikido, with more emphasis on atemi? Are there kicks? punches? throws? Are the movements circular (like many aikido and many Chinese martial arts) or linear (like many styles of karate)? And I don't think you said what you meant with your last sentence. You seem to be saying that anyone who fights at close range can defeat someone skilled in using this style.

Who are the instructors? How could I find someone if I wanted to learn this style?
柔拳術/Jukkenjutsu/Yugwonsul was one of the early names of Hapgido, before the name Hapgido was settled on.
Okay sorry about that it is from Japan and some other eastern countries. It is normally used straight forward. yes there is kicks yay! but when you punch it is good to hit they pressure point exactally and move fast. But you would have you hand out with your pinky and ring fingure curled up and your flick off fingure and pointer fingure. Jabing and stabing they opponet at great speeds. There is a kaiten or heavenly spin used for deflecting objects and stoping punches. Mostly for defence but used right can be for attack. Saddly if i knew any i would tell you but i am training myself so i may be wrong. But i do keep myself updated.
Okay sorry about that it is from Japan and some other eastern countries. It is normally used straight forward. yes there is kicks yay! but when you punch it is good to hit they pressure point exactally and move fast. But you would have you hand out with your pinky and ring fingure curled up and your flick off fingure and pointer fingure. Jabing and stabing they opponet at great speeds. There is a kaiten or heavenly spin used for deflecting objects and stoping punches. Mostly for defence but used right can be for attack. Saddly if i knew any i would tell you but i am training myself so i may be wrong. But i do keep myself updated.
How are you training yourself? Are you using videotapes, books, magazine articles, or what? Not to offend, but it seems like English isn't your first language; are there maybe some websites we could look at to learn more about this style?
Just quickly, use the "google" search engine and you'll find several topics on this which should help.
Just quickly, use the "google" search engine and you'll find several topics on this which should help.
I did so out of sheer curiosity. All it came back with was this thread on this forum, another thread just like it on a different forum, and a whole lot of anime stuff. That bears out my earlier assertion that it was something invented for the anime Naruto.

I personally find it a bit odd that three different people have opened new accounts to post in this thread that they know about this style, but then refuse to actually tell us anything about it. :)

P.S. Especially when you look at the profiles of those members.
I did so out of sheer curiosity. All it came back with was this thread on this forum, another thread just like it on a different forum, and a whole lot of anime stuff. That bears out my earlier assertion that it was something invented for the anime Naruto.

I personally find it a bit odd that three different people have opened new accounts to post in this thread that they know about this style, but then refuse to actually tell us anything about it. :)

P.S. Especially when you look at the profiles of those members.
Perhaps the style is so super secret that they'd have to sneak into your house and kill you if they told you about it. :rofl:
Hope some of this helps.
Nope, not at all. The first link is for jukendo (also called juken jutsu on rare occassions) which is bayonet fighting, and has nothing to do with "gentle fists". The second link I have no idea as I can't access it from work, the third link is the Naruto video game and anime which I keep saying this "style" is invented for, and the fourth link I couldn't find anything about it at all.

Thanks for trying, but it still seems totally made up from video to me.
Perhaps the style is so super secret that they'd have to sneak into your house and kill you if they told you about it.
Darn those ninja, they're worse than roaches if they get inside your house! :D
Hi guys,

Uhm, I ain't sure, I don't read as much Chinese as Japanese... but have a look at this?


Also here's another possibility

Also take note of the kanji/hanzi on this book cover:


JAPANESE PAGE listing a ryuha of it? 葛城流柔拳術 mentioned half way down the page.

ANOTHER JAPANESE PAGE listing the ryuha 大伴流柔拳術 with a long series of remarks that identify this art as being some form of Nihon Kempo (Fist method.)

I also found references to this ryuha 鞍矢真流柔拳術

The Japanese web-sites indicated that the stuff is some form of Kempo.

Not sure but his might be actual Youtube video of the described art?

Is this the Juk(k)en jutsu in questioN?
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I just noticed your handle (username) is "kwaichang"

That's sooo freakin' cool.