Master Black Belt
I get the impression you haven't spend much time around tradition-based Jujutsu systems. While the bastardized styles you mention certainly exist in Jujutsu, they are also in Karate, Kung Fu, etc... True Jujutsu may be hard to find, but it does exist.
The style I study is a branch of a small family bugei system taught by the Takikawa (or Takikgawa, whichever you prefer) family. While Akayama Ryu Jujutsu focuses on only a small aspect of the bujutsu taught, we have retained the practicality and effectiveness required by the Samurai. We make no bones about being gendai but I know from personal experience and those of other students that the system works for civilians, LEO and military.
There are several hard-core Jujutsuka who post regularly here who have equal or superior training to mine. Please don't assume that one or two lackluster videos you've watched are the end-all and be-all of Jujutsu.
True, tradition-based Jujutsu is incredibly effective. The majority of military and LEO h2h training is based on Jujutsu and that is a ringing endorsement.![]()
i get the picture. sounds awesome. ill take your word for it.
i knew that good jujutsu existed. i think lots of it got absorbed by many other martial arts.
your ryuha sounds interesting. what other things do you teach or specialize in?
i agree naturaly, jujutsu would be ideal for police work.