Alright theres NO places at all to learn any judo at. We have everything else where i live. BJJ schools, boxing schools, mma, hell, even krav maga. But no where to learn Judo. I would love to learn some throw for nogi grappling, mma tactics. Im not really into gi that much. I have a few books on Judo. But my question is, is there really any way to learn an art / Judo w/out formal training. ie; Judo home training. I have experience in many diffrent arts. boxing,mt,wrestling,bjj,etc. but need to learn some kind of Judo.
Any tips for nogi Judo clinching and throws? Anything i should take note on? Any drills i should do? And if anyone would be generous and give me a half hour - hour of a good judo session.Exercises,drills,etc. Anything.
PLEASE I need some help.