My kids are having a BLAST!!!
They're both yellow belts now and are gearing up toward their first shiai!! I LOVE seeing them in their Gi and working so hard! Makes a Budoka father proud. My son's fighting spirit is really being cultivated too. In the beginning he expressed that he doesn't like to "Compete" against others. (in anything, foot races, arm wrestling...etc.) But I thought this was because he wasn't that physical of a guy... pretty slight of build and just below average height, and therefore wasn't all that 'athletic' yet. I was very concerned when we started because MOST of the kids in his age range (He's 9 now) are not only slightly bigger, but are all higher ranked / more experienced ....and he tends to not win his matches in Randori. I was very concerned that this would get him down, but Sensei does a VERY good job of talking to him about his fighting spirit and how he's so proud of his effort because even when he's IN a pin he never gives up the struggle. I've seen my son LOSE with a GOOD attitude. He's set his sights on beating a kid who is about the same age, but a green belt. David (my son) said: "If I can beat him, then I'll know I'm getting somewhere." ..and Sensei's correct! David never gives up. I'm very proud of him!

My daughter, LeighAnn, is doing very well too. Her fighting spirit is sheer JOY. She does have a problem not going all through Randori with a beaming smile though. We try to get her to have a stern look to her when she goes in.....but trying to get a smile off my girl's face is like trying to strip paint off a car with your fingernails....It's hard, and it looks so much better with it in place! :D (somethin feels wrong about trying to get a smile OFF my child's face anyway) She just REALLY enjoys Randori. She's much more physical than her brother. Still smallish in height, she's built like a bull dozer though. NOT fat, but very compact! If you were too try to pick her up you'd be surprised she weighs that much! Her aggression is VERY ready for Shiai!!! Now we just need to broaden her repertoire of moves. That comes with time and good instruction I'm sure.

Now....there's an issue that befall's the Judo Club that I'm going to bring to everyone's attention and seek your advice and input....


Your Brother
It put a big smile on my face reading your update Brother John! We teach children from four Judo as well as karate and I must say I hate those kids lol! In the grappling they are like puppies they take to it so well and as for break falls well I hate them even more, I can't breakfall to save my life but they, as you say, have a big smile on their faces and just roll! My instructor is the Judoka, he started when he was young. Judo is relatively easy for youngsters to pick up and they get a sense of achievement very quickly which is a real boost for many kids.With the type of instructor that John has found for his kids the skys the limit! Best thing I've read for ages!

I'm still smiling!
My class has 4 adults and six children. The cool thing is that the adults use my class to help augment their hapkido, the kids do it because they just absoulutely love it.

It makes me happy to work them hard and still see them tell their moms what a great time they had. The kids just eat it up. They love it. Down in our Southeast Missouri schools there is Pre-Hapkido which is similiar in nature.

But to stay on topic, yes Judo is great for kids, why do you think there is so many optimist wrestling for kids? Very similiar. Kids love Judo just like dogs love trucks.
It makes me happy to work them hard and still see them tell their moms what a great time they had. The kids just eat it up.
Kids love Judo just like dogs love trucks.
Interesting analogy! :)

You are absolutely correct. The amount of work they'll do on this is Great! My kids sleep better (and Sooner :D ) on Judo nights than any other night. It impresses me! For my son to doll out that much energy on ONE thing for that amount of time is great!! If I send him into the back yard to rake leaves, w/in Five minutes he's telling me " arms are tired." ((average kid there)) (of course, I'm your average dad, I keep making him work) ....but in Judo, he'll go and go like the energy bunny on steriods and crack. ((ok, maybe a bit much on the analogy there, but you get the picture))

Another thing to consider:
In our society people, and kids specifically, have little patience and time for focusing on only one thing. My kids get bored driving 15 minutes to the store!!! Yet get them in their Gi and going through the drills or doing Randori and they focus for TWO entire hours. (more or less) I'm not saying my children are "SUPER" kids or anything (Though I AM a very proud daddy)...there's lots of kids in there that are doing the same thing and impressing their parents.

Mind you, I think that most ANY martial art can have these same great benefits on kids. I myself started when I was seven in the striking arts and I poured myself into it too. But I can see that Judo and kids is a pretty natural mix.
Who knows, I might be a bit of a 'kid' myself and get in the class and have the same fun....
maybe. :D
Your Brother (who'll put on another white belt again, anytime)
Thank you John, By the way....I have been very blessed. All of the kids in the Tae Kwon Do class are in my Judo class as well with exception of one. All the adults, with the exception of two are in my Judo class as well. I now have 15 students. I love it, just seeing all the "sweat equity they put into the art.

By the way, last night I was very humbled....I was the receipant of my Nidan, (2nd dan) certification, through the USJA.

Merry Christmas pal. BTW: Once your little ones reach 16 with their dans in Judo, Hapkido is an awesome augmentor.....they compliment each other so well.

Interesting analogy! :)

You are absolutely correct. The amount of work they'll do on this is Great! My kids sleep better (and Sooner :D ) on Judo nights than any other night. It impresses me! For my son to doll out that much energy on ONE thing for that amount of time is great!! If I send him into the back yard to rake leaves, w/in Five minutes he's telling me " arms are tired." ((average kid there)) (of course, I'm your average dad, I keep making him work) ....but in Judo, he'll go and go like the energy bunny on steriods and crack. ((ok, maybe a bit much on the analogy there, but you get the picture))

Another thing to consider:
In our society people, and kids specifically, have little patience and time for focusing on only one thing. My kids get bored driving 15 minutes to the store!!! Yet get them in their Gi and going through the drills or doing Randori and they focus for TWO entire hours. (more or less) I'm not saying my children are "SUPER" kids or anything (Though I AM a very proud daddy)...there's lots of kids in there that are doing the same thing and impressing their parents.

Mind you, I think that most ANY martial art can have these same great benefits on kids. I myself started when I was seven in the striking arts and I poured myself into it too. But I can see that Judo and kids is a pretty natural mix.
Who knows, I might be a bit of a 'kid' myself and get in the class and have the same fun....
maybe. :D
Your Brother (who'll put on another white belt again, anytime)

My kids have been in their Judo class for a year and a month now, and they are LOVING it!!!!
David & LeighAnn are Orange Belts and have been told that they're not too far from their next promotion. That's cool, but in their eyes, they're more excited to the next tournament!!

Our state (Kansas) Just had their "Sunflower games" in Topeka Kansas. David's division was from 69-95 lbs. David weighed in at exactly 69 lbs. The lightest guy in his division. But he came in 3rd for a Bronze. The young man that came in 1st was 95 lbs, and the boy who got 2nd is a Blue Belt....but both are from our club!!

LeighAnn dominated her division!! She got GOLD in hers, not having lost once. The girl that took 2nd is her best friend from our club.

It was a VERY good day for our club!!!! LOTS of medals coming home to us.

It was a GREAT experience all around.

Because both kids "placed" in their divisions, they're qualified to compete in the 2009 "American States Games Championships" in Colorado. We're starting to train with that in mind NOW!!!

Your Brother
I don't know a kid that doesn't like to tumble around. Great to hear they're still absolutely loving it, and doing so well! Way to go! Best wishes on getting prepared for the next promotion and the championships in Co.
As a Childrens Judo Instructor, I , of course, think that Judo is one of the best ways to introduce kids into the martial arts. If the children stick with Judo until middle school, they usually excel at wrestling. I have two students who were all state wrestlers in their first year of competition. I personally do not care for competition (too old for it now) but I have always tried to encourage students, 8 years and older, to go to tournaments to test themselves against others of their own level. I also find that children who participate in any martial art where the instructor teaches proper discipline, ettiquette and behavior, that these kids have great manners at home or school. Their attention spans are better because of the dicipline. I also reward kids for good school grades in my class. They get things like a "Get Out of Pushups" or "Leader of the Exercises" cards for A's and B's.
I've just finished reading this thread with a huge smile on my face! I'm delighted that your kids are enjoying Judo so much- makes me want to start it myself! There are so many benefits your kids will enjoy well into their teens and adult life, not only being fit and healthy, but more confident. I know a child whose parents started him in Judo about a year ago because he had very low self esteem. Seriously- that kid is like a different person now, with a huge sense of self worth. I personally believe that Judo should be taught in all primary schools as part of the curriculum. It was developed by a school teacher, and would give kids something to focus on, in which they will learn valuble life skills.
In another thread we were discussing a good martial art for my 6 year old child to focus his energies on, and Judo was recommended by 3 posters. After checking out this thread, I am convinced that they were correct.

Now I am looking to start my boy in Judo at the end of the fall soccer season. The only thing that could be an obstacle is finding a Judo instructor/studio that comes highly recommended. I want also to know what may be red flags for a Judo "mcdojo" to avoid, if there is such.

So, should I start another thread just for this topic, or has it been done?

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