Thanks everyone for all your reply's!!
Aegis---so do you feel (taking away all the nuts and bolts) that Judo isn't an effective self-defense style? I agree about your (and other's who have posted) line of reasoning with regards to no gi on the streets, and the danger of certain throws...but surely, somewhere in the judo syllabus (goshin no kata aside) there has to be something that can not only work, but well?? I cant believe that the millions of judoka out there are learning their art purely for competition and not SD purposes.
Dont mean to come out strong, I'm just learning the trade, and like to feel that what I'm learning is worth something on the street (BESIDES smashing someones head open on the concrete Johnathan Napalm :shrug: ).
I'd love to do jujutsu to be honest, but there's nothing within a reasonable distance from me unfortunately.
Thanks for your views, and keep them coming!!

Aegis---so do you feel (taking away all the nuts and bolts) that Judo isn't an effective self-defense style? I agree about your (and other's who have posted) line of reasoning with regards to no gi on the streets, and the danger of certain throws...but surely, somewhere in the judo syllabus (goshin no kata aside) there has to be something that can not only work, but well?? I cant believe that the millions of judoka out there are learning their art purely for competition and not SD purposes.

I'd love to do jujutsu to be honest, but there's nothing within a reasonable distance from me unfortunately.
Thanks for your views, and keep them coming!!