Judo T.V.


Patrick Skerry

Here is a site that once activated will provide full length coverage of championship judo matches instead of just video clips:


Follow the instructions, drop them a line at [email protected] and they will activate your account.

Good watching!
Won't this encourage the $portification of judo?
Andrew Green said:
nope, cause it is a dead link :D

judo.tv - sure has lots of blue gi's though...
Dead link? I've been watching reruns of the European judo championships. Let me check it out for you guys.
Patrick Skerry said:
Dead link? I've been watching reruns of the European judo championships. Let me check it out for you guys.
judo.tv works

judotv.com doesn't

I think you just typoed it.
Andrew Green said:
judo.tv works

judotv.com doesn't

I think you just typoed it.


reminder: drop them line at [email protected] to activate an account.

A good way to see what is out there on the competition circuit, even though the blue gi's makes it hard to see.
