I had the opportunity to study under a 6th degree black belt in Judo and 7th in Jujutsu.His teachings as far as Judo went emphasized more on the "sport" aspects of it the "ippons" and techniques of the throws.Although when it was just the adults he would teach the Jujutsu sides, the breaks,joint locks and the most powerful chokes.He even showed us the throws that are illegal in Judo tournaments.Mr.Kano in my opinion simply took aspects of Jujutsu and modified them in his image.Much like every other martial artist does.I am not in any way saying that Judo is not a different system from Jujutsu,I believe that there are several differences.Although a lot of martial artists as well as regular people believe that Judo is more of a sport than a martial art.This is mainly because of its introduction into the olympics.Just as some people believe that Tae Kwon Do is a sport not a martial art.Just like boxing too,does this mean any of these are not martial arts,certainly not.They are all forms of fighting,forms of self-defense.In my opinion Judo is a softer form of Jujutsu,after all we have to look back at when these martial arts were created and why.Jujutsu was used by the samurai of old days to use as a defense when their sword was knocked away.They needed a style that would be able to bypass their opponent's heavy armor.The Japanese samurai armor was accessable at the joints,the elbows,the knees,and the neck.Therefore a lot of Jujutsu styles emphasize on those particular joint locks.It is similar to the different names of certain styles,for example some people write JiuJitsu,Jujitsu,Jujutsu,or even JuiJitsu.I personally don't understand this since "Ju" means Gentle in Japanese and "Jutsu" means art.Wouldn't it make sense then that JuJutsu makes up The Gentle Art??? Can anyone tell me what JiuJitsu means in Japanese??? Everyone does what they see fit to with the knowledge they have,whether it be adding to it,taking away from it,or changing it completely.Of course this is only my opinion,hope it helps though.
With honor and respect:asian: