

As mentioned, Steven, there are a large number of schools that use the name (or a variation of) Bushido Jujitsu. Clarifying will help a great deal.

I know of a Bushido Karate Association, a Bushido Judo School and a Bushido School of Martial Arts as well of hearing about a Bushido Warriors School.
Agree, but they're not off base, and are a solid baseline regardless of school.
Yeah, from what I've seen, Roy Dean is an excellent teacher and I'm sure his videos could be helpful for a BJJ student wanting pointers on the foundations of the art. He learned from Roy Harris, who is a very detail-oriented instructor. I just don't want anyone from a different BJJ organization thinking that their own school will necessarily follow that specific promotion curriculum.
Chris, please. Would this person be the first to post something like this in the wrong subforum? The guy asked for some suggestions about belt requirements from white to black. I offered a suggestion and was specific that it applies to BJJ.

Edit. To clarify, I wasn't trying to post anything definitive. I was offering a simple, helpful suggestion. You're kind of crapping all over the thread.

No, they wouldn't be. But they have also chosen it specifically... and have also never mentioned BJJ... not even spelt it the BJJ way. They have also named their system (Bushido)... and have described their system as "traditional and modern"... all of which was before you made your suggestion. What I'm trying to avoid is the OP thinking it's the same thing, and that your advice is valid.

Dean's videos are great. But they have no place in this discussion... which five minutes of reading would have told you.
Yeah, from what I've seen, Roy Dean is an excellent teacher and I'm sure his videos could be helpful for a BJJ student wanting pointers on the foundations of the art. He learned from Roy Harris, who is a very detail-oriented instructor. I just don't want anyone from a different BJJ organization thinking that their own school will necessarily follow that specific promotion curriculum.
Absolutely. I guess I'm presuming that, regardless of school or style, anything will be strictly supplemental because the person responsible for establishing standards is the school owner.
No, they wouldn't be. But they have also chosen it specifically... and have also never mentioned BJJ... not even spelt it the BJJ way. They have also named their system (Bushido)... and have described their system as "traditional and modern"... all of which was before you made your suggestion. What I'm trying to avoid is the OP thinking it's the same thing, and that your advice is valid.

Dean's videos are great. But they have no place in this discussion... which five minutes of reading would have told you.
Why are you attacking me, Chris? And could you please stop? And don't you think it's for the OP to decide whether my suggestion was unhelpful or helpful? If you don't have enough information to evaluate the op, then you don't have enough information to evaluate the appropriateness of my suggestion.
Would this person be the first to post something like this in the wrong subforum?
He would be by no means the first, but usually BJJ is well branded enough that most students know they are studying BJJ and not some other branch of the JJ family. Based on the name and the spelling he's using, I'm wondering if it might be something like this place: Bushido Ju-Jitsu | The Art of Self-Defence.

Absolutely. I guess I'm presuming that, regardless of school or style, anything will be strictly supplemental because the person responsible for establishing standards is the school owner.

For BJJ, yeah. In a lot of other systems there are specific requirements for promotions laid down by the governing association for that style, often many levels above the individual school owner.
Why are you attacking me, Chris? And could you please stop? And don't you think it's for the OP to decide whether my suggestion was unhelpful or helpful? If you don't have enough information to evaluate the op, then you don't have enough information to evaluate the appropriateness of my suggestion.

For one thing, I'm not attacking you, I'm correcting you, and providing context for your answer to the OP. For another, you're the one who is harassing me with the negative ratings on almost every post I make these days, regardless of whether or not you have any actual valid reason to use them (it really is just a personal issue you have, and nothing to do with the content of my posts, you realise... I mean... take post 23 above that you "Disagree" with.... I basically just list exactly what is in the thread, and point out how your BJJ videos have no place... so what do you disagree with?), so might I ask you to stop that unless you actually have some argument against me? And finally, no, that's not correct at all... I have more than enough information to say that your suggestion is completely irrelevant to their situation, and there is nothing to suggest that the OP is experienced enough to recognise that themselves.

He would be by no means the first, but usually BJJ is well branded enough that most students know they are studying BJJ and not some other branch of the JJ family. Based on the name and the spelling he's using, I'm wondering if it might be something like this place: Bushido Ju-Jitsu | The Art of Self-Defence.

Yeah, that was one of the potentials I found... but, not knowing the OPs location, it could be that, similar, or very different... for example, here's another (less quality) school with the same name:

For BJJ, yeah. In a lot of other systems there are specific requirements for promotions laid down by the governing association for that style, often many levels above the individual school owner.

Yep. Very much based on the school itself... as Brian said, we'll need to wait for clarification from the OP... but regardless, the answer he's after will most likely be to talk to the instructor....
He would be by no means the first, but usually BJJ is well branded enough that most students know they are studying BJJ and not some other branch of the JJ family. Based on the name and the spelling he's using, I'm wondering if it might be something like this place: Bushido Ju-Jitsu | The Art of Self-Defence.

For BJJ, yeah. In a lot of other systems there are specific requirements for promotions laid down by the governing association for that style, often many levels above the individual school owner.
not disputing any of that. And, as I said before, the OP may look at the Roy Dean vids and determine they aren't relevant. No problem.

I'm genuinely confused by the nuclear response to a very simple suggestion that no one can say for sure isn't helpful to the OP.
For one thing, I'm not attacking you, I'm correcting you, and providing context for your answer to the OP. For another, you're the one who is harassing me with the negative ratings on almost every post I make these days, regardless of whether or not you have any actual valid reason to use them (it really is just a personal issue you have, and nothing to do with the content of my posts, you realise), so might I ask you to stop that unless you actually have some argument against me? And finally, no, that's not correct at all... I have more than enough information to say that your suggestion is completely irrelevant to their situation, and there is nothing to suggest that the OP is experienced enough to recognise that themselves.

Yeah, that was one of the potentials I found... but, not knowing the OPs location, it could be that, similar, or very different... for example, here's another (less quality) school with the same name:

Yep. Very much based on the school itself... as Brian said, we'll need to wait for clarification from the OP... but regardless, the answer he's after will most likely be to talk to the instructor....
Chris, please. You've managed to completely derail the thread. I'm sorry, but I'm just going to have to ignore you going forward.
You do realise that you could have avoided that by saying "oh, sorry, didn't realise it wasn't BJJ", yeah? But you kept arguing when it was obvious to everyone... and I'm derailing the thread? Okay, Steve...
Let's wait and here from the OP regarding more information about his system so that we can help him better!
i see absolutely no problem with offering a simple suggestion. It was specific enough to make the context of the suggestion clear and would take the OP very little time to evaluate its relevance to him.

You guys had the interview well in hand. Instead of adding more questions, I proposed a possible answer. Nothing I wrote undermined or contradicted any of the useful posts that came before it. Why wait?
Oh for crying out loud...everybody... take some deep breathes and relax...

What on earth does this bickering have to do with anything the OP asked? If the actual concern is chasing of new posters then explain to me exactly how starting an argument in their thread helps. And of course I absolutely understand no one is at fault and the "He started" defense is being used

This is what was posted

Hi all I'm looking for an instructional DVD of DVD quality covering Ju-jitsu gradings from white belt up to black belts but all the ones I've found so far are old vhs remastered poorly and don't really show the requirements for grading! Can anyone help?

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1) Need to find out what style he is talking about

2) Find out what DVD, if any exist, that can help him in with his grading question

3) Possibly get posters with similar style backgrounds to give some helpful input if necessary, or possible

3) Move on (hopefully) having help him, if possible, with his question
Oh for crying out loud...everybody... take some deep breathes and relax...

What on earth does this bickering have to do with anything the OP asked? If the actual concern is chasing of new posters then explain to me exactly how starting an argument in their thread helps. And of course I absolutely understand no one is at fault and the "He started" defense is being used

This is what was posted

1) Need to find out what style he is talking about

2) Find out what DVD, if any exist, that can help him in with his grading question

3) Possibly get posters with similar style backgrounds to give some helpful input if necessary, or possible

3) Move on (hopefully) having help him, if possible, with his question
This is how the argument started, xue.
Except he's not looking for BJJ... and this isn't the BJJ section... he's after something that will help him with the grading requirements for his school... so....
. How is this a mystery to anyone?
Don't care, like I said, I am fully aware that the "He started" defense will be in play here.

Can we just drop it and focus on what the OP is asking
Not sure only been doing it for 6 weeks now I do know my instructor was a personal student of the late Prof Bill Rankin

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