For one thing, I'm not attacking you, I'm correcting you, and providing context for your answer to the OP. For another, you're the one who is harassing me with the negative ratings on almost every post I make these days, regardless of whether or not you have any actual valid reason to use them (it really is just a personal issue you have, and nothing to do with the content of my posts, you realise), so might I ask you to stop that unless you actually have some argument against me? And finally, no, that's not correct at all... I have more than enough information to say that your suggestion is completely irrelevant to their situation, and there is nothing to suggest that the OP is experienced enough to recognise that themselves.
Yeah, that was one of the potentials I found... but, not knowing the OPs location, it could be that, similar, or very different... for example, here's another (less quality) school with the same name:
Yep. Very much based on the school itself... as Brian said, we'll need to wait for clarification from the OP... but regardless, the answer he's after will most likely be to talk to the instructor....