JTO: No 'land grab' in Ethiopia

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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No 'land grab' in Ethiopia
By - 04-10-2010 04:10 PM
Originally Posted at: The Japan Times Online


I am writing in reference to the April 4 article "Japan, please don't go grabbing Ethiopians' land." Since the content of the article distorts facts and misinforms the readers of your esteemed newspaper, I thought I should react to the claims made by the writer and straighten the facts.
Since C.W. Nicol claims to have left Ethiopia, particularly over the last two decades, the country has charted a new course in its history. It has ushered in a new political and economic dispensation. Ethiopia is peaceful, stable and a symbol of religious harmony, and is governed by a democratic constitution crafted by the active participation of its citizens. It is also trying to turn the corner against poverty thus becoming one of the fastest-growing non-oil producing economies in Africa. According to forecasts by Economist magazine, Ethiopia will be one of the five fastest-growing economies in the world in 2010. Therefore, this is the image of the new Ethiopia, and the days of chaos and internal strife, which Nicol alludes to in his article, have long gone. Appreciating his contribution as a game warden in the 1960s, I would like to invite Nicol again to visit Ethiopia and see for himself these monumental transformations.



The Japan Times Online