Journey Artwork


Kenpo Yahoo

Does anyone out there know where I can purchase some of the prints from the journey? I tried to contact Mr. Ed Parker Jr. on several occasions, but I have not heard anything back. I had heard that he was busy working on a Video edition of the Journey, but I'm not sure if this is true or just another rumor. Any suggestions for obtaining copies of the prints?
Maybe you could tried Mr. Lee Wedlake's site on
I know they sell at least some of them.
Take care
Contact the individual Kenpoist, many of them have copies for sale. They also sell them at seminars as such if available.
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo

Does anyone out there know where I can purchase some of the prints from the journey? I tried to contact Mr. Ed Parker Jr. on several occasions, but I have not heard anything back. I had heard that he was busy working on a Video edition of the Journey, but I'm not sure if this is true or just another rumor. Any suggestions for obtaining copies of the prints?

Hi Kenpo Yahoo,
The Journey writen by Joe Hyams
$27.50 in
Is this the book that you are asking?

Yes but the individual portraits are also available for framing. The individual Kenpoist usually have a supply of there own portraits available and all you have to do is contact them and aske the costs including shipping and handling.
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo

Does anyone out there know where I can purchase some of the prints from the journey? I tried to contact Mr. Ed Parker Jr. on several occasions, but I have not heard anything back. I had heard that he was busy working on a Video edition of the Journey, but I'm not sure if this is true or just another rumor. Any suggestions for obtaining copies of the prints?

He'll get back to you: [email protected]
Well I finally understand what all the fuss is about regarding the artwork in The Journey, having finally managed to get a copy of it for my very own. ( t y GD) Those portraits really are exquisitely done! The prints meant for framing sound really nice. One day I will break down and get one of my instructor and put it up where he can keep an eye on me, LOL! ;)
I agree the portraits are wonderful.

I have been lucky enough to pick up. SGM Parker's, Ed Parker Jr's., Huk Planas', Frank Trejo's, and Tim Hartman's. I have had the priviledge to train with all these gentlemen (with the exception of SGM Parker of course) and look forward to doing so again. I still need a picture of Dennis Conatser, and Doreen Cogliandro whom I have also trained with, but I'll get them in the future.

No kidding K-G, you have all those??? Too kewl! Do you have them framed and on your walls? :cool:
Yes Ma'am

SGM in the middle in a 11x14 frame and the others on either side, in 8 x10 frames. the portraits are on 8.5 x 11 heavy stock paper so they don't fit the majority of stock frames so I trimmed them down to fit.

But my SGM portrait and Tim Hartman Portrait are currently at Bryson's school where they will be hanging until he has the opportunity to get copies of his own.
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

Yes Ma'am

SGM in the middle in a 11x14 frame and the others on either side, in 8 x10 frames. the portraits are on 8.5 x 11 heavy stock paper so they don't fit the majority of stock frames so I trimmed them down to fit.

But my SGM portrait and Tim Hartman Portrait are currently at Bryson's school where they will be hanging until he has the opportunity to get copies of his own.

Well that's nice of you!
K-G did you acquire them in Canada, or did you have to 'import' them? :confused:
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

I agree the portraits are wonderful.

I have been lucky enough to pick up. SGM Parker's, Ed Parker Jr's., Huk Planas', Frank Trejo's, and Tim Hartman's. I have had the priviledge to train with all these gentlemen (with the exception of SGM Parker of course) and look forward to doing so again. I still need a picture of Dennis Conatser, and Doreen Cogliandro whom I have also trained with, but I'll get them in the future.


You know Mr. Parker Jr will do custom portraits for you. He has a "lineage" portrait where he will group your instructors together in one print. He can also add you to it. I think this is something KenpoGirl might like.

I may get one myself. It might include Mr. Parker, Mr. LaBounty, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Duffy, and me. I don't know yet.

Anyone who is curious should contact him. He's rather good. The ones I saw were in color of course. They are way cool in color.

He showed me one of just the teachers but he has one he will do that looks like the cover of the Journey, but the guy on the path is Mr. Parker and your portraits are up in the sky as if he is looking at you. Maybe someone can convince him to put some of this on his site. ?
It looks like he is forwarding to a .us extension but this linked worked just now for me.
That's my Goal. When I get my black belt I intend to request a portrait from Mr. Parker Jr.

That is still quite a few years away. :D But, still something to look forward too.

Originally posted by tunetigress

K-G did you acquire them in Canada, or did you have to 'import' them? :confused:

I purchased all of them at Jeff Blay's Kenpo Camp, in NY, 2001.
Ed Jr, and Bill Lear were selling them at the time. I was also able to get them autographed by Mr. Planas, Mr. Trejo and Mr. Hartman.
Well G-G, all I can say is.....


:p :D