John Wyndham

I'm sorry to hear this and for your loss
Man, Sorry this has happened to someone you know. Thank you for sharing this. I think it's important to let others know this. Covid is not something "someone else has" It's something that has the power to snatch the lives of people we care about and look up to.

If it's ok to ask, Do you know if he was vaccinated?
Sorry for your loss, my friend.
May he Rest In Peace.
Man, Sorry this has happened to someone you know. Thank you for sharing this. I think it's important to let others know this. Covid is not something "someone else has" It's something that has the power to snatch the lives of people we care about and look up to.

If it's ok to ask, Do you know if he was vaccinated?
I don’t know. We hadn’t had a lot of contact the last few years, and none since the start of the pandemic. I got the news from one of my former students who had taught at Wyndham’s dojo until last year.
Oh man, I'm so very sorry to hear this Gerry. Truly sad... I hope you're okay, I'm sure he would have influenced many peoples' lives for the better. May he rest in peace.
I attended his memorial service today. It was nice getting to see some of the guys I trained with. Even got to reconnect with a guy who was one of the senior brown belts when I started (he left shortly after that, due to an unrelated injury). Sad that it takes something like this to let us reconnect.

I also learned that one of my other instructors had Covid at the same time. He's doing much better, but had double pneumonia and still has difficulty breathing.