John Sepulveda Seminar in Austin

Michael Billings

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Another Kenpo great, John Sepulveda, will be doing a seminar at Austin Kenpo Karate this coming weekend. Enrollment limited and separate classes will be held for Beginning, Intemediate, and Advanced ranks.

Here is the link to my webpage to see the details and who to contact. Tommy Burks is coming in from Dallas/Ft. Worth and it should be fun.

Prof Sepulveda Seminar

Contact information to Austin Kenpo Karate and Jeff Schroeder, the host, can be linked from there.
Originally posted by Michael Billings
Another Kenpo great, John Sepulveda

I think that is an understatement.

Mr. Sepulveda is of course very highly regarded and I had him on my "list" of great instructors as well. But after spending 3hours working techniques in his seminar on Sat I have to say that not only do I admire his High level of expertise but I also greatly admire his attitude as well.

I'll try to get some notes put together and post them up here in a day or two if anyone is interested but in the mean time he said something that I thought was not only brave and wise, but which I had already validated through personal experience.

He encouraged everyone to go to every seminar they can. To see everyone and experience everything you could and then make your own judgements about what was good or not. This is the only way for you to "know" what is what so to speak.

See for yourself is pretty much what he was saying. I encourage anyone to run, not walk to a Mr. Sepulveda seminar if you have not been to one already. And for those of you who may be suspicious of me, yes I hesitated to go to this one, but I am Very glad I went. Mr. Sepulveda is an excellent teacher.