John Rambo

Saw that on Ain't It Cool News....

That.... looks..... A W E S O M E!!!!111!!11!1

Heh, it's back in style.
My son has a mop like I had as a kid, kind of freaky to see the 20-some-odd year cycle heh.
Yep you read right... Since Stallone got good reviews on Rocky Balboa... hey yo lets do the final installment of the Rambo series...
Caution: Extreme violence and gore in this preview... no kidding it's a real preview. It's a real movie.
I've had extreme difficulty w/ this web site... if anyone else is having difficulty, you can find it on youtube. I got it from this site
I'm up for seeing another Rambo.

When a group of terrorists took over a senior citizens' center, they thought it was an easy target. But they forgot one thing...the man in Room B-21. John Rambo, Sr. is putting down his bingo marker for one last mission in Rambo IV: Lights Out.
Damn! That actually looks REALLY good.
Interesting, though it seems like they have upped the gore factor which may mean that the plot is not as good. Still it is intriging. I will watch it on DVD later on down the line.
... I hope I can be in the kind of shape he is, at his age, and move as well-LOL.

Actually, I was watching one of those tabloid TV shows the other night and I guess Sly got in trouble for bringing HGH on location in Borneo (might be somewhere else, my memory sucks). Since HGH can't really be used as a "steroid," either he had a legit reason to take it or he's just stupid.