John Cleese, the london his belief's created

You blokes must be on drugs.
Here's a real shiela for you to feast your optic nerves on , Nigella Lawson , and she eats too , not like those anorexic Hollywood sheilas you were raving about that live on nothing but a few lettuce leaves each day.
And check out those cupcakes ..... the ones on the damn plate you preverts.


This is Nigella on Bondi Beach the other week , ok so her choice of swimwear might not be that flash , and it sort of makes her look a bit like a navy clearance diver returning from a mission.
But she is just doing the smart thing and protecting that beautiful English complexion from the harshness of the Australian sun.

Posh birds are different! I'm refering to the populace at large.
British Home Office police aren't routinely armed, and when they are it's not Glocks btw it's H&K's. Only the MOD police are an armed force.

MJM, that's not Nigella, that's a Times journalist doing an article for the paper about the 'Burkini', she was mistaken for Nigella by some people on the beach she went on.

Try Pippa Middleton, sister and bridemaid to HRH Duchess of Cambridge.

I don't care if they use H&ks, I'm expressing a personal preference and I'm refering to the average Bobby. You're quite quick to spout the exception rather than the rule Tez, in all matters partaining to Blighty. God bless you love.
I don't care if they use H&ks, I'm expressing a personal preference and I'm refering to the average Bobby. You're quite quick to spout the exception rather than the rule Tez, in all matters partaining to Blighty. God bless you love.

The average bobby is still not armed dear boy. I think you will find I'm standing up for my country, I believe Americans call it patriotism? You haven't been here in donkeys and you are biased anyway so I think you may be talking about the exception not I.
The average bobby is still not armed dear boy. I think you will find I'm standing up for my country, I believe Americans call it patriotism? You haven't been here in donkeys and you are biased anyway so I think you may be talking about the exception not I.
I know they're not armed, that's my point deary!
enough, or i'll say enough again.

Waah, he started it! :lisafault:

If you pick on me I'll post up all the endings to all the Doctor Who episodes you haven't seen yet! Have you seen the new Doctor yet btw? If so what do you think?
Haven't seen the new guy (11) yet, heard they redid the Daleks. Still working through 10 but liked 9. :)
:chuckles: Don't you mean the curse is on NTSC? {yeah, TV format pun attack :D!}.

*Groan* That mega hurts! Maybe you should make it a resolution to not use such puns? There are better ones, you just have to secam out. Then you you will increase the horizontal frequency (aka ROFL).
Haven't seen the new guy (11) yet, heard they redid the Daleks. Still working through 10 but liked 9. :)

I've watched every Doctor since the first progamme was shown, dates me that! Without giving anything away the new series seems more sinister, more scary than it has been for a very long time. River Song is back though, if you remember her?

Oh I meant to say as well Elizabeth Sladen aka Sarah Jane died last week after battling cancer, very sad. She had her own series, the Sarah Jane Adventures.
Always liked Sladen in Who. Was good seeing her pop back for a few episodes with 10. Still trying to figure out who Song is....have a hunch she's the Rani which would be interesting. I like the 'realism' of the new series, there's a sense of peril in some of those episodes I never felt in the original run. Monsters still look like guys in rubber suits though. LOL
Oh I meant to say as well Elizabeth Sladen aka Sarah Jane died last week after battling cancer, very sad. She had her own series, the Sarah Jane Adventures.

Aye, I was unbelievably saddened by that. A grown man of my years moved to tears by the passing of an actress struck me as odd, for it was just the same feeling as if she was personally known to me, until I read all the posts on the BBC site that showed that I was not alone in that.
Monsters still look like guys in rubber suits though. LOL

And we care how? Good story-telling works whether the effects cost £1,000,000 or £1000. It's one of my bug-bears that modern audiences care more about the quality of the 'special effects' than they do the quality of the acting or the writing.

Flash over substance rules the day I fear.
And we care how? Good story-telling works whether the effects cost £1,000,000 or £1000. It's one of my bug-bears that modern audiences care more about the quality of the 'special effects' than they do the quality of the acting or the writing.

Flash over substance rules the day I fear.
I just want to see an Amy Pond/Dalek pictorial like the Jo Grant/Dalek one. :D
I promise, I won't complain if I see the trike wheels. :rofl:

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