wiz cool c
Orange Belt
What is every ones opinion on this man [Jinichi Kawakami] last night I watched the documentary called Ninja Shadow warrior ”thought it was a new doc, found out it is a few years old”. One of the hosts is that UK dude that claims Hatsumi’s linage is false. In this doc they had the man named above as the Ninja master and claimed he is the last living Ninja Master. To me ,I am not buying it. The techniques he demoed in the doc, looked extremely simple, as though anyone could have created them with what in their mind would look like a very old traditional system. I also don’t buy everything this UK guy states about what and who the Ninja of ancient Japan were. Though I got some bad blood with the Bujinkan and personally don’t like the way the organization is run, you can tell Hatsumi’s methods are complex and were not created by one man in one life time but over generation after generation. After all weren’t the ninja clans run in secret? Why would they document all their skills and training and pass them on in this form. Though there are historical scrolls and all it is not the only method of passing on information. I earned ranks in systems I no longer have the certifications for ,I lost them or whatever and that was less then 30 years ago. Does that mean I am a liar?