Years ago a good friend and I hike to the top of a mountain. We admired the view and we admired the herd of bull elk some miles away. Then instead of taking the path that we hiked up, we chose a different route down. In effect lost the safe way and had to take the dangerous route downward. Turning back to the way we came would've put us half way down the mountain by dark. We hiked up with just the barest of necessities. Thus knowing that if we were caught on the mountain in the dark we would surely lose our way and be at a greater risk throughout the night than if we were to see our path down the dangerous route with the light of day to aid our vision.
When we reached the bottom of the mountain we were about two miles from our camp-site, but were able to reach it now in safety.
We stopped and rested along the edge of a dried river, long since dead from the effects of the dought that Utah suffered for years. We sat in a shady spot along the banks and chatted.
My friend asked me about my spiritual values and understanding of our place in the world. The hike down had apparently awakened in him a deeper understanding of himself that he was not able to comprehend.
I tried to think of a way to illustrate in a manner that perhaps he could understand what had happened, using jedisim philosophy.
We recall that Obi-wan Kenobi explained to Luke about the force: "The force is what gives a jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us and binds the galaxy together." Yoda, went deeper. " Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you?
Hm? Mmmm.
Luke shakes his head.
YODA: And well you should not. For my ally in the Force. And a powerful
ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we... (Yoda pinches Luke's shoulder)
... not this crude matter. (a sweeping gesture) You must feel the Force around you. (gesturing) Here, between you... me... the tree... the rock... everywhere! Yes, even between this land and that ship!"
When I first heard this I took it and applied it to it's relationship of my beliefs in the human soul. Just exactly what is the soul? Basically that flow of energy which keeps us alive, guides us and helps us to understand, oru conciousness. Yoda (and Ben) explained that the Force is an energy field. Life creates it, makes it grow. All living things. My understanding of nature and the earth around us is that everything is alive. Grass, trees, water and the earth. The entire planet is one living entiety. Thus though inanimate things live, grow, reproduce and die. All in harmony together though sometimes we humans are just too (spiritually) blind to see it.
I told my friend of another time I was high upon a mountain top. Camping out. Aspen and other trees and a gorgeous flower studded meadow with a small crystal clear lake for the view. During the night with just the (carefully made) campfire as my light and warmth I leaned back against a particularly large oak looking through a break in the branches and leaves and up at the stars above me. I allowed my mind to drift, to go where-ever it may, to feel whatever it was that my heart felt. It was during that long relaxed meditation that I became aware of other life around me. Felt the energy of the tree against my back, the grass that I sat upon and the rock my feet were propped up against. I became aware that everything around me was indeed alive and contained it's own energy.
Past studies in physics and basic atomics I knew that all matter was somehow contained so that it could have form, and shape. That the cells that make up my body and the cells that made up the trees, grass, rocks and earth and everything else was nothing more than a bunch of atoms bound together to give it form. Just what was that "force" that held all these atoms together so that they wouldn't otherwise go flying off in a trillion different directions?
I explained that concept using the jedisim philosophy that our spirits, are what held our bodies together, the "crude matter". A jedi, learning the secrets of harnessing and controlling that energy field around his body would be able to acomplish the feats that Jedi's are renowned for. Telekenisis (Luke calling his lightsaber to his hand in the Wampa cave, and Vader throwing objects at Luke during their duel), telepathy (Yoda seeing what was in Luke's mind as his friends suffered), auto-hypnosis (Ben Kenobi with his " don't need to see his identification... these aren't the droids you're looking for, etc.) and extra-sensory perception (Yoda saying: "...difficult to see, always in motion is the future...") and many other examples.
Back on earth (again) we have people capable of bending spoons, reading cards from hundreds of miles away, Hindu fakkirs able to pierce their bodies with foreign objects and remove them without a mark, walking on coals/broken glass/nails without damage to the feet and so forth. IMO these people have mastered some aspects of the "force".
The full philosophy/dogma of the Jedi religion (and remember that even Grand Moff Tarkin referred it to as such :" ... the jedi are extinct, their power gone out of the universe, you my friend, are all that's left of their religion." Vader didn't even take umbrage at the reference, so thus it must be so.
Wonderful fantasy/science-fiction to be sure. But many of the things in Science Fiction has proven themselves to be possible.
It's the concept of nanobytes or symboites or whatever the hell Gui-jonn Ginn called them in the first episode that really got me pissed at Lucas for taking the spiritual element out of the story. Removing the concept that it was more than just a symbionic relationship with trillions of tiny organisms deep in our bodies, living in our cells that create the "Force" .... :angry : oooooh man do I get livid with that bastardized twisting and reconceptionalizing of the "Force". To me Lucas removed the spirituality out of the story. I doubt that I'll ever forgive him for that...among other things.
Anyway that's just my idea of Jedism. :idunno: But that's just me.
When we reached the bottom of the mountain we were about two miles from our camp-site, but were able to reach it now in safety.
We stopped and rested along the edge of a dried river, long since dead from the effects of the dought that Utah suffered for years. We sat in a shady spot along the banks and chatted.
My friend asked me about my spiritual values and understanding of our place in the world. The hike down had apparently awakened in him a deeper understanding of himself that he was not able to comprehend.
I tried to think of a way to illustrate in a manner that perhaps he could understand what had happened, using jedisim philosophy.
We recall that Obi-wan Kenobi explained to Luke about the force: "The force is what gives a jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us and binds the galaxy together." Yoda, went deeper. " Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you?
Hm? Mmmm.
Luke shakes his head.
YODA: And well you should not. For my ally in the Force. And a powerful
ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we... (Yoda pinches Luke's shoulder)
... not this crude matter. (a sweeping gesture) You must feel the Force around you. (gesturing) Here, between you... me... the tree... the rock... everywhere! Yes, even between this land and that ship!"
When I first heard this I took it and applied it to it's relationship of my beliefs in the human soul. Just exactly what is the soul? Basically that flow of energy which keeps us alive, guides us and helps us to understand, oru conciousness. Yoda (and Ben) explained that the Force is an energy field. Life creates it, makes it grow. All living things. My understanding of nature and the earth around us is that everything is alive. Grass, trees, water and the earth. The entire planet is one living entiety. Thus though inanimate things live, grow, reproduce and die. All in harmony together though sometimes we humans are just too (spiritually) blind to see it.
I told my friend of another time I was high upon a mountain top. Camping out. Aspen and other trees and a gorgeous flower studded meadow with a small crystal clear lake for the view. During the night with just the (carefully made) campfire as my light and warmth I leaned back against a particularly large oak looking through a break in the branches and leaves and up at the stars above me. I allowed my mind to drift, to go where-ever it may, to feel whatever it was that my heart felt. It was during that long relaxed meditation that I became aware of other life around me. Felt the energy of the tree against my back, the grass that I sat upon and the rock my feet were propped up against. I became aware that everything around me was indeed alive and contained it's own energy.
Past studies in physics and basic atomics I knew that all matter was somehow contained so that it could have form, and shape. That the cells that make up my body and the cells that made up the trees, grass, rocks and earth and everything else was nothing more than a bunch of atoms bound together to give it form. Just what was that "force" that held all these atoms together so that they wouldn't otherwise go flying off in a trillion different directions?
I explained that concept using the jedisim philosophy that our spirits, are what held our bodies together, the "crude matter". A jedi, learning the secrets of harnessing and controlling that energy field around his body would be able to acomplish the feats that Jedi's are renowned for. Telekenisis (Luke calling his lightsaber to his hand in the Wampa cave, and Vader throwing objects at Luke during their duel), telepathy (Yoda seeing what was in Luke's mind as his friends suffered), auto-hypnosis (Ben Kenobi with his " don't need to see his identification... these aren't the droids you're looking for, etc.) and extra-sensory perception (Yoda saying: "...difficult to see, always in motion is the future...") and many other examples.
Back on earth (again) we have people capable of bending spoons, reading cards from hundreds of miles away, Hindu fakkirs able to pierce their bodies with foreign objects and remove them without a mark, walking on coals/broken glass/nails without damage to the feet and so forth. IMO these people have mastered some aspects of the "force".
The full philosophy/dogma of the Jedi religion (and remember that even Grand Moff Tarkin referred it to as such :" ... the jedi are extinct, their power gone out of the universe, you my friend, are all that's left of their religion." Vader didn't even take umbrage at the reference, so thus it must be so.
Wonderful fantasy/science-fiction to be sure. But many of the things in Science Fiction has proven themselves to be possible.
It's the concept of nanobytes or symboites or whatever the hell Gui-jonn Ginn called them in the first episode that really got me pissed at Lucas for taking the spiritual element out of the story. Removing the concept that it was more than just a symbionic relationship with trillions of tiny organisms deep in our bodies, living in our cells that create the "Force" .... :angry : oooooh man do I get livid with that bastardized twisting and reconceptionalizing of the "Force". To me Lucas removed the spirituality out of the story. I doubt that I'll ever forgive him for that...among other things.
Anyway that's just my idea of Jedism. :idunno: But that's just me.
