Jack Ryan:Shadow Recruit

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
The Hunt for Red October was the first book I ever bought. It was the sixth grade book sale and I bought it, because the submarine embossed on the cover looked cool. If my parents hadn't made me go to bed, I would have read it in one sitting. I was instantly hooked on Clancy. Over the years I've read all his novels. Jack Ryan is something of a hero to me. However, he is not (Patriot Games not withstanding) an action hero!
Tom Clancy died, but, before he did, he authorized this piece of crap. Indeed, Tom Clancy is dead to me.
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This could have been well done, with one small change. The lead character should have been John Clark.
It's actually incredibly ironic that you chose Franco because I spent 3 years in Francos Spain. Not a nice man.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.

Thank you. But I can't claim it as an original idea. It harkens back to the early years of Saturday Night Live.