I've been out


Senior Master
Four weeks ago I got a foot injure, I hurted a tendon and could not walk for 3 weeks ago, today I'm recovering and can walk but with care.

The matters was this way. I came early in the dojan, my TKD class is from 8:30 pm to 9:30-9:45 pm, but that time I arrived early, an hour early so I asked samboknim to train with the kids so I could go back home early that night.

Doing calistecnics I actually felt and herd the CRACK!!!! in my foot sole, it hurted and could not walk. Next day I went with a doctor and said I will have to take a rest, don't walk and gave me medicine to cure my foot.

Today I'm walking againg but withe ease, doctor asked me not do exercise for month and afther that to start exerise calm and easily.

Tonite I will go see my sambokim and tell him I'm out tkd for a month and then will go back but with light exercise cause don't wana hurt me again.

Take care of yourself, Manny. Listen to the doctor & rest. I'm sure your sabumnim would agree that a little time off to heal is a good thing.
First of all I am sorry to hear about the injury. I do hope you feel better. You have just learned the most important lesson on injuries though. Let it heal!!! You will lose more time by rushing back and hurting it worse than just by relaxing and getting better to begin with.
Stay out and rest now. Dont forget mental training is valuable as well. Think about your forms and techniques.
Good luck,
Dave O.
Manny your instructor will understand and probaly tell you to do what the doctor has said. Take care of that foot.
I'm sorry to read about your injury. I hope you'll be better soon.

Take care of your leg. I had an injury and I didn't take care of it because I wanted to train ASAP, and finally I had to quit. My injury got worst and I wasn't able to exercise (not even jog) for more than a year, pffff!

Best wishes, ;)
You are all right, if you remeber I dropt TKD classes for about a month and then went back, and a couple of classes afther I hurt my foot, that's bad luck.

This evening I talked with my former somboknim (my firsth samboknim) a 7th degree black belt in JiDoKwan Tae Kwon Do, we chat for a few moments and told him about my injury, the samboknim knows I'm training with my new samboknim and gave me thumbs up!! and told me to take it easy with my injure, and was glad to know I'm still in TKD.

Better to stay out for a month now and heal, than to permanently hurt yourself and be out forever. Good luck!
BUMMMMMER. As mentioned take a rest and heal safely.

There are some great books to read. Zen in the martial arts, Forest Morgan's book Living the Martial Way, Lance Armstrong's Every second counts. I've been on this Mind Map kick lately: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_map

Good luck, hope the best for you