It's Hot.....

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Apartment's in the 90's, humidity's nuts. My PC restarted twice from the heat. Went out, bought a 10,000 BTU AC unit. Design sucks, so does the manual. Thing has features the manual doesn't explain. It's a Goldstar, was the only high-cool model at WallyMart.

So, how do you keep cool in summer?
Central air in my apartment. Once I got aclimatized to Parris Island, Camp Lejeune and GTMO, Cuba I never really got re-aclimatized to cold weather again so the heat doesn't bother me as much as the cold weather does.
We switched from window units to central air when one of my boys got asthma.

Then there's the pool in the back yard....:uhyeah:
We have central A/C. I rarely use it, but my wife is a big "fan" of it.

They were installing a unit at the JKD/BJJ school this morning!
go downstairs in the basement. or wear a wet bandana over my hair.
Central AC, ceiling fans, and a big stand up fan pointed at my bed when I sleep. I hate the heat, and living in Vegas doesn't help. So I keep a supply of fans everywhere. At work, in the sudio and at home, it's fans, fans and more fans.

I stay up late, open all windows and run fans, including a ceiling fan in my bedroom - at first light, I shut them all, close the drapes and keep fans going. Inflatable ring pool in backyard, sprinklers, movies, keep all appliances OFF until nighttime.
Store my cloths in the freezer overnight. Go swimming whenever i get the chance. Fan window A/cs
I have central heat and ac 5 ton unit 12seer, also about 8pm most of the time I take my water hose and spray the roof and the front side of the house (Faces West) that drops about 10 to 15 deg inside the house. I just run water on the house until the water is no longer hot coming off the house. I also will set the sprinkler on LOW but let it spray my condensing unit. (The outdoor part of the air conditioner where the compressor is located) That lowers the Head pressure and makes the unit more efficient and cost less to operate. I also use ceiling fans in every room
Yay, its summer! Its 75-80 tops here with intermittent rain showers. We feel like we live in Hawaii. The grass needs to be cut EVERY day. No we don't do that! The pines have produced a foot of new growth (light green). And my flowers are great this year. Unfortunately, I didn't plant a vegetable garden this year since the last two growing seasons were cold and rainy. In Minnesota, we never say it is too hot! Gotta have sun!

PS. Yeah, we have central air too, but the downstairs stays a cool 68° no matter what the dual thermostat is set for. TW
Up here in Superior, WI one should always have a coat ready. Lake Superior stays a chilly 39 to 45 degrees in the summer. When an east wind blows in off the lake, it can be 90 degrees over the hill and 45 by the lake. The Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin comes to mind..."I come from the land of the ice and snow..."
upnorthkyosa said:
Up here in Superior, WI one should always have a coat ready. Lake Superior stays a chilly 39 to 45 degrees in the summer. When an east wind blows in off the lake, it can be 90 degrees over the hill and 45 by the lake. The Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin comes to mind..."I come from the land of the ice and snow..."
Having grown up close to Lake Michigan, I was amazed the first time I saw Superior. I said this isn't a lake, it's an ocean. Cold and forboding. And yes, that was in the summer.
But those of you in MN and WI are using your self-defense skills against mosquitos the size of small children, aren't you?
Kaith Rustaz said:
Apartment's in the 90's, humidity's nuts. My PC restarted twice from the heat. Went out, bought a 10,000 BTU AC unit. Design sucks, so does the manual. Thing has features the manual doesn't explain. It's a Goldstar, was the only high-cool model at WallyMart.

So, how do you keep cool in summer?

What I do involves nudity, ice cubes, a shampoo bottle, my neighbors horses, and my buttocks.

Why do you ask?

Tulisan said:
What I do involves nudity, ice cubes, a shampoo bottle, my neighbors horses, and my buttocks.
Is this book being made into a movie anytime soon? :ultracool
Central air, but right now I refuse to use it as last week I was complaining it was still only a high of 60 with a low of 30. Now it is a low of 75 and High of 93. All F not C.

I put the top down or ride my motorcycle when I travel, and at work they have central air.

My Computer has lots of fans and a temperture check for the CPU. I clean out the lint fairly often to avoid the lack of air flow even though the fan is running.

As to movies and Paul, :idunno: No way, unless they get a better looking actor(s) to play the rolls of his friend(s) ;)
Due to serious, serious lack of rainfall I have not seen a mosquito yet (Of course I have'nt left the house in the last three weeks either!). Since your spring was somewhat dry, even when we do get some rain I do'nt think we'll be overrun

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