Itosu Sensei's Intent - A Curriculum for Children

Red Belt – With One Stripe

ChildrenÂ’s Requirements

General Requirements

Sound Moral Character (Respectful, Responsible, Honest, Caring) _____
45 minutes of practice outside of class per week _____
A willing learner and good student _____

1. Basics


Han Bal Seo Ke Jaseh_____


Strike to Grab and Grab to Strike_____

Soo Gi


Jok ji

Iron Broom Techniques _____


Collar Chokes _____


Yawara Gaeshe _____


Back of the Head_____

2. Hyung

Pyung Ahn Sa Dan _____

3. Ee An Sol Cha Gi

Chil Bon _____

4. Ill Soo Shik – Applications of the Current Forms

Simultaneous block strike/throw_____
Grab/head butt/knee/throw_____

5. Ho Sin Shul

Defense against the Shoot _____

6. Deh Ryun

One up, one down sparring _____

7. Newaza

Take downs into grappling positions _____
Strikes from the ground _____

8. Breathing Exercises

Moo Pal Dan Kun 6 _____

9. Culture and Terminology

Commands for helping with drills _____

10. Testing

At least six months has passed since beginning training _____

Red Belt – Two Stripes

ChildrenÂ’s Requirements

General Requirements

Sound Moral Character (Respectful, Responsible, Honest, Caring) _____
45 minutes of practice outside of class per week _____
A willing learner and good student _____

1. Basics


Choi Jaseh_____


Defanging the Snake_____

Soo Gi

Son Mahk Deung_____

Jok ji

Dwioh Dwi Jok Ji _____


Rear Naked Choke _____
Guillotine _____


Harai Goshi _____
Tai O Toshi _____



2. Hyung

Pyung Ahn O Dan _____

3. Ee An Sol Cha Gi

Pal Bon _____

4. Ill Soo Shik – Applications of the Current Forms

Punch/block strike/arm bar_____
Block/strike/palm heal low/guillotine_____

5. Ho Sin Shul

Defense multiple attackers _____

6. Deh Ryun

Da Soo without Contact _____

7. Newaza

Fluid Choice of Submissions _____

8. Breathing Exercises

Moo Pal Dan Kun 7 _____

9. Culture and Terminology

Commands for helping with drills _____

10. Testing

At least six months has passed since beginning training _____
Brown Belt

ChildrenÂ’s Requirements

General Requirements

Sound Moral Character (Respectful, Responsible, Honest, Caring) _____
One hour of practice outside of class per week _____
A willing learner and good student _____

1. Basics


All Stances and Uses_____


All Blocking Styles and Uses_____

Soo Gi

All Strikes and Uses_____

Jok ji

All Kicks and Uses _____


Sankaku _____
All Joint Locks and Uses _____


Tomo Nage _____
Kane Sute _____


Meridian Theory_____

2. Hyung

Bassai Dai _____

3. Ee An Sol Cha Gi

Cu Bon _____

4. Ill Soo Shik – Applications of the Current Forms

Defang the Snake/Joint lock/ take down_____
High Block and Strike/grab/tai o toshi_____

5. Ho Sin Shul

Defense multiple attackers on the ground _____

6. Deh Ryun

Da Soo with Contact _____

7. Newaza

Use of Submission with Striking _____

8. Breathing Exercises

Moo Pal Dan Kun 8 _____

9. Culture and Terminology

Commands for helping with drills _____

10. Testing

At least 12 months has passed since beginning training _____
I posted this in my journal, but I wanted to post it here too in order to update this thread.

Well, it was my first kids class where the entire crew showed up and I think it went great. From the reports from parents, I think they thought so too. Mainly we are just playing games and getting the kids used to making good fists and punching and kicking with the proper parts of the anatomy. Hopefully, as time goes on, I'll be able to do more with them. My plan is to bring them up through the system together as a cohort. I'm not going to take any more students for that class until I make another class just for this group.

This seems like a novel strategy to teach youth. Too often, you have this revolving door with kids and it never seems like they progress because you are always introducing new people to the basics. My hope is that I can create a community with the kids and the parents and that this community is self supporting and reinforcing. Getting people on board with that will, hopefully, keep kids in longer and allow them all to progress at roughly the same rate.

Right now, the age range of the girls is from 5-9. So, that is going to make the biggest difference.

Oh, did I mention that this class was basically all girls? That is so awesome! I've never seen anything like that before, these girls have an amazing opportunity. Hopefully, my teaching is up to the task...