It was Occupy wall street so we don't care...


Lifetime Supporting Member
The southern poverty law center doesn't see much need to start tracking the occupy wall street movement even after some members were involved in a plot to blow up an Ohio bridge...

In light of the May Day arrests of the Cuyahoga 5, the Occupy Wall Street–affiliated group of men who planned to blow up a bridge in Cleveland, Ohio, I called the Southern Poverty Law Center to find out of they had any plans to start tracking the Occupy movement. The first person I spoke to was so shocked by the question that she paused for a good 15 seconds before promising to put me in touch with a representative. This she eventually did, however, and after a game of cat-and-mouse — the person she’d found for me was busy “hosting an international conference on right-wing extremism,” natch — we managed to touch base and I to pose the question: “Do you have any plans to start tracking Occupy Wall Street after a hate group tried to blow up a bridge?”
“No, I don’t think so,” he said.

I met this with silence, so he said that, really, the SPLC only tracks those who commit violence or who seek to destroy whole systems in the name of an ideology. “Isn’t that exactly what happened in Cleveland?” I asked. “These five men, all linked with Occupy Wall Street, attempted to blow up a bridge as an overture to the wholesale destruction of Cleveland, Ohio, and in the name of anarchism. They also looked to blow up the Republican convention.”
“They were anarchists,” he repeated.
He paused. “We’re not really set up to cover the extreme Left.”
This was at least honest. He must have heard me thinking, because he continued, “Some people ask why we don’t cover prison gangs or the Crips and the Bloods, because they are violent, too. But they aren’t political, you see.”
“But Occupy is political,” I suggested.
Back to the honesty: “Well, take it if you will, or won’t.”
“Fair enough.”
He felt the need to keep explaining, so I let him. We only ever cover left-wing groups when they have a right-wing component, he told me. For example, “when anarchist groups are infiltrated by those on the right; Neo-Nazis, that sort of thing.”
Maybe it was not the right organisation to contact.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is an American nonprofit civil rights organization noted for its legal victories against white supremacist groups; legal representation for victims of hate groups; monitoring of alleged hate groups, militias and extremist organizations; and educational programs that promote tolerance. The SPLC classifies as hate groups organizations that denigrate or assault entire groups of people, typically for attributes that are beyond their control.

Civil rights are different to civil disorder. :asian:
But they said...

the SPLC only tracks those who commit violence or who seek to destroy whole systems in the name of an ideology.
he said that, really, the SPLC only tracks those who commit violence or who seek to destroy whole systems in the name of an ideology. “Isn’t that exactly what happened in Cleveland?” I asked. “These five men, all linked with Occupy Wall Street, attempted to blow up a bridge as an overture to the wholesale destruction of Cleveland, Ohio, and in the name of anarchism. They also looked to blow up the Republican convention.”
Another organization that doesn't seem to care that OWS people were allegedly involved in a plot to blow up a bridge is left wing MSM outlet NBC news and Brian Williams...

The Occupy Cleveland members who allegedly plotted to blow up a Cleveland bridge and kill dozens of innocent people should use NBC's Brian Williams as their lead defense witness.

First, the Peacock Network totally ignored the background of the accused men. It did not mention one word of who these people were, how their leftism informed their alleged terrorist plot--planning to also blow up banks, the Republican National Convention, and other American sites.
NBC spent the first 10 minutes of Nightly News reporting on the First Anniversary of the Killing of Osama bin Laden--by Barack Obama, of course--and then snuck in 24 seconds on the foiled May Day bombing attempt.
Here's the entire script as read by Williams:
The FBI arrested five self-described anarchists in Cleveland, Ohio today, the men are between 20 and 37 years of age. They're accused of plotting to blow up a bridge over a park in Cleveland. The plot was uncovered by an FBI sting operation that provided them with what they thought to be bomb material. As is the case with so many of these similar situations, the FBI said in the end there was never any real danger associated with the plan.
There was no video shown of cars going over the bridge; NBC made it look abandoned. Yet 13,000 people a day travel over that bridge, and the OWS-affiliated suspects allegedly pulled the trigger on what they thought were plastic explosives that would've destroyed the bridge and killed occupants during rush hour. Still, Williams claimed "there was never any real danger associated with the plan."

Now imagine if any of these guys was even remotely associated with the tea party, say a third cousin once removed from a guy who maybe thought about going to a tea party rally, and the coverage would have been endless about the latent violence, let alone real violence of OWS, in the tea party movement.
If it had been tea potty they would have succeeded and we would be listening to the aftermath of the event
See, that's the difference...the Tea Party isn't a racist, violent or anti-semitic movement, nor does it have elements of those things in it. The reason you don't see Tea Party members planning a bombing or an aftermath of a bombing is because they are regular Americans who are tired of government spending, and yet, want to use the electoral process. They don't want to destroy captitalism or the U.S., they just want the greedy politicians to stop spending us into poverty. OWS is just starting, wait till the summer and the conventions when they can really let their hair down...