It hapened again!!!


Senior Master
Yestarday afther several weeks without training (just a couple of weeks teaching) I went training and I hurt my foot again! I tried to not forced myself but doing the warm up I felt the pain and when class finished I knew I was hurt.

I took paracetamol and ibuprofen pills, and this morning I repeteat the dosis but it seems it won't help a lot, I think I would go to the doctors prescription.

I am very sad, I just staretd with the dad's class, in this class I felt ok, yes a little disconfort but nothing to worry abou it, I just teach without stressing my foot. I don't want quit the dad's class and don't wan't stay away of tae kwon do.

I don't want stay out of martial arts but I could not find one that is not stressful to my feet.

sorry to hear about the injury. in my experience TKD is very stressful on the feet and joints. If you have a CMA school near by, there would be some choices that's less stressful on the feet.

perhaps taijiquan, xingyiquan, baguazhang, yiquan, liuhebafa.
those are quite different than TKD, but still good martial arts. good for health and self-defense. :-)

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