Don Roley said:
Now, if you want to convince me that America set this whole thing up to go after Iran you will have to start by explaining exactly how the US goverment got Hibollah to launch the attacks that led to this state of affairs.
Red herring in bold. The US government doesn't need to get hizbollah to attack Isreal. It only needs to urge Isreal to respond and THAT is what I said in previous posts. War by Proxy.
Here is a more detailed look at why I think this...
1. Who backs hizbollah financially? Iran.
2. Who desires regime change in Iran? Neocons in America.
3. Who is providing Isreal with massive shipments of arms in order to launch this campaign? The US.
At the very least, it is feasible to say that the US supports this action and it is not out of the question to say that the US urged this action as a way to start cutting away Iran's influence in the Middle East. Isolating an enemy like Iran is obviously a good tactical decision if one's goal is ultimately to change the regime to something more "America Friendly".
Don, neoconservative journals like the
Weekly Standard and think tanks like the
Project for the New American Century have been writing about this stuff for years. All of this has served as a blueprint for the Bush Administration's foriegn policy.
document in particular, cooked up by an unelected think tank, should be particularly startling in the accuracy of its prose. This lays out a general outline of everything that would be done. Things like extending America's hegemony, increasing our military spending through the roof, repositioning our military to control the middle east, weaponize space and controlling the internet are all layed out.
And if you pay attention, even a little bit, you can see all of the steps being taken in order to accomplish these goals.
Okay, here is another question...
5. What is the impetus behind all of these radical changes? Because of 911 many people would answer terrorism, but IMHO a closer examination reveals something a little different.
I postulate that
Peak Oil is the driving force behind all of this. Our nation is incredibly threatened by the increase in competition for this resource and by its inevitible decline in production. Everything we do requires this resource and if we are not able to secure a place at the top of the pile when it comes to competition for it, then we will not be able to maintain much about our way of life for long.
The threat of terrorism doesn't even come close to magnitude of this threat to our country.
Anyway, back to this situation. You have called this a "conspiracy" theory and in the attempt to snipe you actually stumbled onto a hint of truth. "Conspiracies" are the epitome of the Straussian Noble Lie, which I detailed above. This is the philosophic backbone of neoconservatism. It's how they get the job done. In a netshell, a Noble Lie is a lie told the populace in order to accomplish the greater good. A learned few know the truth and what is good for everyone and everyone else needs to be taken there by any means possible. This used to be a liberal philosophy, but it was eventually eschewed by intelectuals because of its obvious elitist implications. It eventually found a home on the Right, IMO because of a number of unquestioned philosophic myths like "American Excellence" that are easy to exploit and hide behind.
With that being said, here is another question...
6. How many times has this adminstration said one thing to the people in order to accomplish an entirely different goal?
"Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me," doesn't even begin to describe the answer to this question. EVERYTHING that this administration does follows this template. From domestic programs like No Child Left Behind, Clear Skies, and Healthy Forests, to the War on Terror, all of them are classic examples of the Straussian Noble Lie. The "greater good" or goal that is known by a few is shrouded behind smoke and mirrors. From all of this, it should be crystal clear that neoconservative is to conspiracy like butter is to toast.
From all of this, I think it is perfectly rational to believe that the US secretly influenced Isreal to take this action in order to begin a proxy war with Iran. The perfect situation exists to tell a Noble Lie. However, if you understand the philosophic underpinnings and you are aware the administrations influences and their stated goals, you will see something entirely different.
You (and many others) are doing nothing but parroting the Noble Lie and it is truly nothing but a political carrot on a stick. And in the meantime, the jackass that American politics have becomes moves on toward "greater good" of the "hidden" goal.