Is your school air conditioned?

Is your school air conditioned?

  • Huh? What's air conditioning?

  • Yes!

  • Sometimes (when the thing isn't broken)

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If we can get the back door open other than that it's like being in the desert at high noon with no cloud cover, inthe middle of summer.
In the winter the wind blows through the place so bad that I'm afraid to scrub the floor after class for fear that there will be a Ice ring there the next night.
We have a very small door that opens onto the back parking lot. Unfortunately it is in a corner and does not get much of a breeze. So, we sweat a lot in the summer. :) :( :rolleyes:
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
If we can get the back door open other than that it's like being in the desert at high noon with no cloud cover, inthe middle of summer.
In the winter the wind blows through the place so bad that I'm afraid to scrub the floor after class for fear that there will be a Ice ring there the next night.

Well, there ya go. Start a Youth Hockey League/Camp!:cool:
Great idea,
we do have 3 hockey sticks in the corner for some reason, its my school and i still havent figured out why I keep them in the training area insted of storage.
Now as far as trusting some of these guys on skates :rofl:
Hockey the greatest sport on earth.

Any Sport with two blades and a stick and fighting has to be cool !

:rofl: :asian:
Fans do work pretty well - but in the middle of Jujitsu class we're all wishing we had air conditioning.
During the summer our air is pretty conditioned - we practice outdoors in the woods during summer :p



I really dont mind thuogh I like to sweat a little during my workouts, except when I'm doing self defence techniques.
We have AC but its rarely set below 80. In south east Texas its pretty much a legal issue if you don't have an AC. :)

I think we broke 110 last year but this year we have only hit 101 so it hasn't been too bad this year.

... don't you wish. No A/C in my school in Lubbock or Austin - swelteringly melting doing knee & elbow guts training on kicking shields, following basics and calesthinics. It ain't against the law, it is just somewhat harsh.:rofl:
Sifu brought in a large fan a couple weeks ago but we have had 19 days this month over 100 degrees with a few 105's sprinkled in just for fun. Plus around here the temp is always in the high 90's. Fans are nice though and they are always closest to the higher rank students. I'll test in a week and be that much closer to it.
... where is "Here", sounds like Arizona, Nevada ... or maybe just a mile this side of Hades? Or maybe MY SCHOOL resembles it ... except the fans are for the beginners ... that way I don't lose them so quick from passing out.
We're out here in Modesto, the central valley of California. And you're right it's quite a bit like Arizona but with more humidity. I'll bet it's not quite as hot where you're at. I spent a summer in Houston a few years ago and that was awful. I also went through Army basic training in Oklahoma and that was bad too.
we have a/c and it makes a big difference with attendance in the middle of the summer! during really hot days we are really packed since students know that we will crank the a/c!
Yeah it's air conditioned. The only way to truly get a cold room while training is to have central air. Well maybe if you have more than one or two windows air conditioners. It's too hard to keep cool with one a/c unit with people moving in and out, doors opening and closing, people getting hot and sweating. etc. etc. etc.

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