Senior Master
Yes, karate's sanchin is visibly a holdover from pre-karate days. But sanchin is just one of about 30 common karate forms, just like sanzhan is just one of many crane forms. Cherry-picking can be used to make any point. But comparing a number of forms between the two arts is much fairer and will reveal differences 90% of the time. I checked several on youtube. While a similarity will show up here and there, for the most part they are clearly much different from each other, more so than comparing karate to TKD forms.If you look at the traditional white crane form of sanzhan it is similar enough to the karate sanchin that you can tell they are the same form, or at least derivative of the same system, yet one is defined as kung fu and one as karate
If two boxers are in the ring, both using similar techniques and applying them the same way, but one no longer uses the speed bag or jumps rope while training, and instead uses a trampoline and tap dances, and thinks about things differently, he is no longer a boxer but is employing a new art?Why isn't TKD Karate anymore? because the philosophy and training methods are different even if a lot of the techniques and applications are the same.
Reminds me of one of the Rocky movies. Rocky fights a Russian. His training there differs a heck of a lot from Drago's, and I'm sure they have different mind sets. So, one guy is a boxer and the other isn't?
How does TKD philosophy and training differ from karate to the extent it's a different art, despite the techniques and applications being the same?