Is this the ultimate Martial Art we've all been waiting for?

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fist of fury

here's the link to the webpage

Secret Fighting Arts of Klingon Race

"Throughout the galaxy, the mighty Klingon race is known for its ruthless skill in battle. Now, the secrets of their most sacred weapon of honor, betleH yIqel, are revealed for the first time. The great Klingon betleH Master Ernest Sanchez takes you through instruction on the proper use of the betleH. This exclusive workshop on betleH techniques is based on real martial art techniques. A rare opportunity. Ernest Sanchez is the Chief Kung Fu Instructor at Tom Gohring's School of T'ai Chi and has 6+ years of weapons experience. Bring $20 for wooden practice betleH. "

Course Number: 2405.301
Meetings: 1, Sat
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Date: 09/28/02
General: $36 UT: $29
Course Number: 2405.302
Meetings: 1, Sat
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Date: 10/26/02
General: $36 UT: $29
I just wanna know if ya get ectra credit for showing up in uniform. :D

Seriously, I've heard that some folks took a form from some art and adapted it to the battleh. Be interesting to se anyway... Wonder what they'd do with the D'har knife?

It just occured to me but do you think they teach the class in english or klingon:D
We are the borg resistance is futil.
Uni Matrix must be stoped it is your job .
Failer is not a open. WE ARE THE BORG
hahaha JK.
Live long and prosper.

Your friend Judo-kid
I heard it was basicly modified tai chi, but I don't know if any real swords were ever made, I mean the ones on screen are aluminum, I don't know if anyone ever actualy made a steel blade, and if not what the heck would you use it for?
First of all, ........tlhIngan Hol vIjatlh.....yeah, I'm a geek, and I haven't studied the lang in some time, but I have been known to rattle it off back and forth.....I'm even part of the mailing list, for criminy's sake....hehe....

Now, about the martial art.

Originally, the betleH art (or "batleth" for those who don't speak Klingon) was described in a book by a guy named Chet Braun. Mr. Braun is a Hung Gar/Choy Li Fut practitioner in California, under Sifu Wing Lam. A number of years ago, Mr. Braun came out with the book "Secret Fighting Arts Of The Warrior Race", which showed a number of warmups, philosophies, linguistic bits, a kata, and technique breakdowns from the kata. All were performed with the betleH. Although he made a disclaimer in the book that it was in no way connected directly to Klingons, Paramount, Roddenberry, and so on, he was sued by Paramount anyway, and his book was recalled. You can still occasionally find copies on Ebay, but they are fairly rare. I own two copies from the original printing, myself...:)

Mr. Braun's version of the art is taken mostly from the chinese martial arts, as is the design of the betleH itself (just for a bit of an aside). The book was produced to show that yes, the weapon can actually be usable in an effective manner, and is actually quite a good read.

I spoke at length with Mr. Braun years ago, when the book came out. He is a devout martial practitioner, and was offering seminars in the betleH, complete with aluminum "bare bones" betleH, for around $25, if you could get out to California. It was a hell of a deal that I just never took up. He may still offer them, I don't know. Wing Lam Enterprises was also offering betleH in both custom and "standard" designs, in steel, for a couple hundred dollars.

All in all, it is sound enough as a martial art--as sound as some others out there, anyway. I would recommend that, if you are actually interested, you should contact Mr. Braun--he may still offer some instruction in this. This other guy? Well, I dunno....sounds like he is a serious offshoot. But, that's just my 2 credits' worth.

Contact Chet Braun at Pacific Warriors .

reH, tlhInganpu' taHjaj!! Qapla'!!!

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

ta' SoH jatlh tlhIngan?
Wow I thought I was a geek:eek: I bow before the master and acknowlege his greatness.

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