Is this appropriate behavior?


MTS Alumni
I was shown a site by a co-worker, (which I cannot post here due to MT's restrictions on these types of sites) which claimed they would trade sex to people in exchange for a vote Against Bush.

Now... I would HOPE this was/is a Joke, (I did not want to explore the site at work, I plan to when I get home) but if it is not...

Is this appropriate behavior? Is it even legal?
It can't be serious. How could one verify that the "john" here would actually vote how they wanted? It's got to be a parody or something.
Okay, that is one of the most ridiculous things I have EVER heard. Like Flatlander said, how does one verify that one? :confused:

Sad thing is that people will probably believe it.
lol - I cn't believe it. That sounds even weirder than the girls who slept with military personnel being sent overseas for "patriotism". I'm assuming it's a joke.
Well... I explored it a bit, and they appear serious... the following is an excerpt from their site...

At @#$& The Vote we provide a Pledge Sheet that can be used conveniently before becoming physically intimate with a conservative. The Pledge Sheet asks the signee to make a promise to vote for anyone but George Bush in the November election. FTV has not endorsed a single candidate but recommends strategic voting. We also encourage FTV fans to take road trips this summer to swing(er) states to collect pledges. If you collect a pledge let us know about it on the Swinger States page! Have safe fun @#*&ing over Bush while @$#*ing for votes.

What it seems like they are doing is encouraging Liberals to go have sex with conservatives, in exchange for a pledge that they will vote for someone other than Bush.

Now I am starting to wonder how I can find some Liberals involved in this site... hmmm... Did I say that out loud?

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